Once, long ago, in a barren world of attire mediocrity, lived a young gamer girl named Tara. This bright, hopeful lass spent night and day playing the exciting rollercoasters referred to today as video games. These games were colorful, enticing, vibrant, vast, and above all, exciting. In fact, all of Tara’s companions, surroundings, and her entire reality, were positively chromatic! Now, this world wasn’t perfect– no, it was far from it. This inconsistency was one of the highest caliber, for looking at any of these gaming world natives, or nerds and geeks as they are most commonly referred to, you would immediately detect the flaw. Their t-shirts and hoodies, even when not tattered nor torn, were bland and unoriginal. The nerds simply could not express themselves through their clothing items! Tara, being a courageous and self-sacrificing gamer, volunteered to scour the worlds beyond looking for a rectification for her world’s blunder… even if it meant she would go completely without gaming throughout her journey!
After a tumultuous and ungratifying journey, the young nerd maiden stumbled through the very last location on her map, the United Kingdom. Feeling disheartened and ready to give up, she sees a bright yellow, black, and white logo in a building through the stereotypically thick fog. “Insert Coin Clothing”, it read. Upon entering the building, to her delight, was the most beautiful gamer gear, more enamoring than she could have fathomed! Cervantes, Umbrella Corporation… Monteriggioni! Surely Sonic the Hedgehog himself had forged the instrument that created the Eggman Industries tee!
Exhausted, but supremely pleased with her discovery, Tara packed up hundreds of articles of Insert Coin clothing for her people, and started her journey home. The nerds and geeks of Tara’s world were overjoyed! So joyous were the festivities of her return that they deemed that very day a world-wide holiday, Insert Coin day!
Were the troubles over for this civilization of gamers? How, oh how could they continuously procure such quality clothing!? All was okay, though, for they ship internationally!

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