Home Gaming What’s On at Melbourne Museum September to November

What’s On at Melbourne Museum September to November

Dynamic Earth

Through thousands of minerals, including gold nuggets, giant crystals and uncut diamonds, Dynamic Earth tells the story of our incredible living planet. Examining forces that fuel volcanic eruptions, cause earthquakes and create minerals, gems, and precious metals, the exhibition reveals what makes our planet dynamic. The highlight of the exhibition is a state-of-the-art 360-degree, fully immersive 3D theatre where visitors can experience being surrounded by an active volcano, travelling down a lava tunnel and journeying under the sea.

Date: New permanent exhibition – on show now

School Holiday at Melbourne Museum

Explore the forces that fuel volcanic eruptions, cause earthquakes and create thousands of different minerals, gems, and precious metals at Melbourne Museum these summer school holidays. Step inside a volcano in a state-of-the-art 360-degree fully immersive 3D theatre or see Australia’s third largest intact gold nugget weighing 23 kilograms, in the stunning new exhibition Dynamic Earth. Join in and make your own piece of earth to take home or learn all about how the moon was made in an exciting live show. You can also meet our expert gemstone polisher as he demonstrates the art of polishing and enjoy viewing some of his valuable collections on display.

Date: 26 December 2010 – 6 February 2011 


Explore the connections of two boys from two very different countries through the artworks of best-selling children’s author Jeannie Baker in the new exhibition Mirror. The exhibition features original collages from Jeannie Baker’s new book of the same name. The exhibition will take visitors on a journey through two very different cultural landscapes.

The book follows the everyday lives of two boys, one in Australia and one in the Valley of in Roses in Southern Morocco. Despite a great geographical and culture separation, Baker’s works poignantly illustrates how their lives mirror one another in essential ways.

Date: Until 13 February 2011

Mirror is supported by the Australian Government through the Council for Australian–Arab Relations (CAAR). 

Mulana: Spirit

Meaning ‘spirit’ in Yorta-Yorta language, Mulana is an exhibition featuring a series of works by Victorian Aboriginal artist Megan Cadd that revolve around key events in her life over the last few years. The impact of losing her only Aboriginal grandmother, coming into contact with an emu feather skirt from the 1800’s, her studies as a spiritual based counsellor, trips back to Yorta-Yorta land and experiences with her family and the Melbourne Aboriginal community are reflected in works that explore the notion of Megan claiming back her spirit while living a colonised life. Featuring installations, paintings and prints, Megan’s work in this exhibition is contemporary while paying respect to her ancestors, family, community and culture.

Date: 20 November 2010 – 10 April 2011

Melbourne Museum, Nicholson Street, Carlton. Open daily 10.00am – 5.00pm. Admission: Adult $8, children and concession FREE. For further details phone 13 11 02 or visit