Home Gaming John Wiley books now available at iBookstore

John Wiley books now available at iBookstore

John Wiley books now available at iBookstore

Beginning today, Australia’s leading business publisher, Wrightbooks (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons), is making a wide selection of titles available on Apple’s iBookstore in Australia.

iBookstore is included in the free iBooks app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Titles include My Dad’s Got Mojo, written by best-selling business author Gary Bertwistle and aimed at dads on the go who want to improve their parenting; The Power of Influence by social media entrepreneur Sarah Prout who reveals her secrets to success in the online worlds of Twitter and Facebook; Money Makeover, written by which is a step-by-step guide for women wanting to improve their finances; and The Profit Principle, written by Peter Fritz and Jeanne-Vida Douglas, who show budding entrepreneurs how to start a business without spending a cent!

Each of these titles are aimed at busy professionals wanting information on the go. John Wiley & Sons will also be selling a will range of their global best-sellers across categories such as technology, travel, cooking, parenting, plus much more.