Home Gaming Gobion Rowlands Joins Games for Change Board

Gobion Rowlands Joins Games for Change Board

G4C 7th Annual Festival begins New York May 24-27, 2010 

New York, NY (May 10, 2010) – Games for Change (also known as G4C), the leading global advocate for making and supporting digital games in the public interest, announced today that Gobion Rowlands, the Chairman of Red Redemption Ltd, the Oxford, England based independent developer of socially positive computer games that brought climate change to the international gaming marketplace, has been named a member of its Board of directors. He is the first non-USA Director.

Gobion Rowlands said “I am extremely proud to join the board of such a dynamic and game changing festival and organization. Games for Change is known worldwide as a unique global leader promoting the use of social impact games to tackle the challenges facing us in the 21st century to educate and entertain.”

Games for Change will host its 7th Annual Festival in New York City May 24 – 27 at Parsons  The New School of Design located at 66  West 12th Street in Manhattan. This year’s Festival has attracted a star studded lineup of speakers including its keynote presentation by Aneesh Chopra, the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer. Other confirmed speakers include former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, “Law and Order: SVU” executive producer Neal Baer, Army Brig. Gen. Loree K. Sutton, Director of the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) and Digital pioneer Alan Kay.

Alex Quinn, Executive Director of Games for Change said “We are thrilled to have Gobion join the Games for Change Board of Directors.  Our organization will benefit tremendously from his international perspective and expertise as an award-winning producer of socially positive games.” The Games for Change Festival is the only festival dedicated to the growing movement of Digital Games for Social Change; convening leaders from government, philanthropy, academia and the game industry to raise the sector of impact-focused games.

 Gobion Rowlands environmental gaming industry expertise has led him to be appointed a “Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts” (FRSA) in 2008, a “Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society” (FRGS) and a “Fellow of the Royal Institution” (FRI) in 2010 and an ‘in demand’ speaker and writer on numerous subjects including serious computer games, social enterprise, climate change and communication. Red Redemption’s newest climate change game is “Fate of the World” due for release in the 3rd quarter of 2010.