Home Gaming XII on DVD and XII/Dark Ride blu-ray double available from June 9, 2010

XII on DVD and XII/Dark Ride blu-ray double available from June 9, 2010

XII on DVD and XII/Dark Ride blu-ray double available from June 9, 2010
Justice takes a horrifying new twist in this high suspense horror

After days of difficult deliberation, twelve jury members convict Leonard Karlsson of a crime against a minor. Now out of prison, severely scarred and barely recognisable, he conceals his wounds and returns to town. In one horrifying night, he will confront the twelve jurors who decided his fate. This time, however, he decides theirs…

Experience twice the terror in high definition with the XII/Dark Ride Blu-ray double! Two films in one the Blu-ray of XII will also contain a bonus film Dark Ride.

Both DVD and Blu-ray are available from June 9, 2010.