Home Gaming Spawning Has Come to StarCraft II

Spawning Has Come to StarCraft II

Many old-school RTS players remember what it was like to use one game disc to spawn in a second player. Back in the heyday of Warcraft II and the original StarCraft, you could bring a player (who didn’t yet own the game) into your game and play together. We called it Spawning, and we’re pleased to announce that Spawning is now available in StarCraft II.

Nowadays, anyone who hasn’t yet purchased StarCraft II can still play, thanks to the Starter Edition. While Starter Edition players have access to much of the game, there are many features that they previously couldn’t try before upgrading to the full game. Spawning closes that gap. Any player at a lower expansion level who joins a party that includes a player at a higher expansion level is Spawned up, and gets to play using the features and options of the highest expansion level for as long as they’re in a party together.

More information is available from a number of sources, including:

–        The StarCraft II community site

–        The Spawning feature page

–        The Spawning feature video via YouTube

–        StarCrafts’ Spawning Pool Party video via Carbot Animations

In further StarCraft II news, our StarCraft II World Championship Series site has gone live, with everything you need – live streams, standings, new videos, news, localised schedules, and more – to follow the WCS and keep up with all the action every day.