Home Gaming PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Facebook App Now Live

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Facebook App Now Live

PlayStation’s ultimate mash up brawler, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, will be launching nationwide next Thursday 22nd, November.  In advance of the instore date, we wanted to take the opportunity to share with you the latest collection of launch assets that have been released.

Firstly, an early look at the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale TVC which will be going to air next Thursday, 22nd: Here

Secondly, the recently unveiled opening sequence to PlayStation All-Stars: Here

If you watch the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Attract Trailer all the way through to the end, you’ll get a glimpse of the villainous mastermind that’s returned from the depths of PlayStation history to pull the strings in All-Stars.

Last but not least, the search is back on for Australia’s Ultimate All-Star fan and favourite PlayStation All-Stars character.  Check out the PlayStation All-Stars app on the PlayStation Australia Facebook page. Here