Home Hardware & Technology AeroSystem Black L Edition

AeroSystem Black L Edition

A marriage of innovation and craftsmanship, born from  a meeting between Silvio Denz, CEO of the prestigious  house of LALIQUE, and Jean Michel Jarre, the genius  of electronic music.

Two worlds, which on the surface seem to be  completely opposite of each other, have come together  in their quest for excellence.

To further their pursuit for innovation, these two men  have combined their values and talents. Together, they  have created an object that combines their expertise:  the AeroSystem Black L Edition by LALIQUE.

In one respect, Jean Michel Jarre created the  AeroSystem Black L Edition for Jarre Technologies, as  the embodiment of a unique experience known for its  unbeatable sound quality.

In the other respect, LALIQUE cultivates its tradition  of excellence and innovation by seeking new forms in  new worlds.

From these two worlds, AeroSystem Black L Edition  by LALIQUE was born, a speaker with extraordinary  acoustic qualities, enhanced by crystal.

LALIQUE crystal, which decorates this speaker,  reveals sparkling jets of water which emerge from  the intriguing Masque de Femme, an iconic motif of  this prestigious crystal house. This Art-Deco style  mask reveals the face of a mysterious woman, with
subtle features, surrounded by aquatic wildlife.

Like a  fingerprint, the face seems perfectly captured in the  crystal.

To create this piece of work, 13 master glass-blowers  blow, cut and black polish crystal with their expert  hands into a design that is so emblematic of LALIQUE.

The AeroSystem Black L Edition is a limited edition of 999 numbered pieces.
