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Top 10 Signs Your House May Be Haunted

Top 10 Signs Your House May Be Haunted 

We’ve all curled up on the sofa late at night, watched a scary movie and afterwards been paranoid about every little creak of a floorboard or the call of a bird but how do you know when your house really is haunted?

Well with the release of Paranormal Activity 4 on the horizon (in cinemas 18th October) we take a look at the top 10 signs that could indicate a haunted house.  From hearing footsteps in the hallway to unexplainable door slammings, we cover them all.

1.      Unexplained noises

These can occur frequently in houses without them being an indication of a haunting BUT if you start to hear footsteps, knocks or scratching sounds on a regular basis then this could be a good indication that something is afoot.

2.      Doors / cupboards opening or closing

Find yourself thinking ‘I’m sure I shut that door’ when you come back to find it wide open? This type of phenomena is rarely seen directly, but if you are sure you are not losing your marbles and you didn’t actually shut the door, then this could be a good indication that you are in fact, not alone. 

3.      Unexplained Shadows

Do dark shapes lurking in corners sometimes catch your eye but when you take a closer look there’s nothing there?  The regular sightings of shadows with a human-like appearance could suggest there really is something lurking in the shadows. 

4.      Listen to the animals

Animals often have a sixth sense us humans don’t have.  If you see your pet behaving strangely whether it’s barking at the unseen or they refuse to enter a room, think carefully before you scold them.  It could be a warning.

5.      Temperature fluctuations

Feeling a little bit chilly? Rather than just put on another layer, take a moment to think as a sudden drop in temperature could indicate the presence of the supernatural.

6.      Don’t touch me!

If you have an unruly spirit in your house, it is likely that you will sometimes cross paths.  Similar to walking along a crowded street, crossing paths with a spirit can result in the feeling of brushing past something or can go as far as feelings of being nudged.

7.      Did you hear that?

Apart from the movement of objects or the closing / opening of doors unexpectedly, spirits can sometimes try and communicate with us through sound.  Common noises include muffled voices, whispering or crying.  Next time you hear such noises, it might not be your neighbours…

8.      The writing’s on the wall

Spirits can also leave more physical evidence indicating their presence.  This can include unexplained writing on the wall or notes left on counter-tops.  Taking physical evidence to an extreme, ghosts can leave footprints or handprints as they roam your halls.

9.      I was watching that!

Some spirits like to disturb your everyday activities such as watching the TV or listening to the radio.  If you start finding the signal starts to flicker or you have regular interference with your radio waves, this might be an indication there is something else wanting your attention.

10.   ‘Say cheese!’

Think there’s something wrong with your camera because orbs have started to appear in your photographs?  Think again.  This could be a spirit trying to sneak in on the family photograph.

These are just some indicators of paranormal phenomenon, but to find out what happens when the spirits really decide to haunt check out PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4, in cinemas October 18….if you dare! 



History Recap Featurette

Clip 1 – ‘Running Through The House’

Clip 2 – ‘Levitate’