Home Gaming Impulse Gamer Interviews India Wadsworth from the Dark Knight Rises!

Impulse Gamer Interviews India Wadsworth from the Dark Knight Rises!

India Wadsworth is The Warlords Daughter in The Dark knight Rises!

Audiences are in for a real treat, for those not familiar with the very lovely and engaging India Wadsworth they will be introduced to her as “The Warlords Daughter” in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Appearing alongside; Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman in this Christopher Nolan film.

Edwin Millheim: So does your character have a name? Do we call you Melisande? Talia…? (Had to ask but I know she is under a code of silence so as not to spoil anything for the films surprises).

India Wadsworth: Eek, not allowed to say.

Check out our full review here –