Originally created for campers and hikers, the selk’bag is proving to be a big hit with gamers. Guys all over Australia and going to keep warm and comfortable around their consoles this winter with these little beauties! The selk’bag is a revolutionary new sleep wear system, very much like a sleeping bag suit.
The clever selk’bag is designed to fit the wearer, making them super comfortable and extremely practical. Unlike traditional sleeping bags, you won’t get tangled up when you roll over in your sleep, or reach for the remote control. The selk’bag even has durable nylon soles so you can walk around it. There’s an opening for your hands so you can play your games easily, or put them back in for warmth when it’s not your turn. Air vents can be opened if you get too warm.
The selk’bag was designed in Chile and was inspired by the selk’nam (man) tribe who lived in Chile’s extreme climate. Their resistance to freezing temperatures, hunger and thirst won them respect and fear from their enemies.
The selk’bag comes in Classic, Lite and Kids. The Classic has a quick release hands freesystem and adjustment straps around the waist and feet. It retails for $199 and comes in yellow, red, black, pink, green and blue. It has a -9 degree extreme temperature rating.
The Lite version is available for $99 and comes in grey, blue and violet. It is lighter than the Classic selk’bag making it a great choice for gamers, hikers, backpackers and campers. It has a +5 extreme temperature rating.
The selk’bag version for kids is available in pink and blue for $149. It has additional safety features and special pockets. A joey style pouch pocket can keep little hands warm. Oversize zip pulls make for easy use and nametags help children to label their selk’bag.
The selk’bag can help keep those heating bills down while you slog it out with Call of Duty and Mass Effect. Hell, you can even take it camping with you!
Every self-respecting gamer is going to want a selk’bag so get in quickly. www.selkbag.com.au. Or go to Facebook and like it.