Players of the online game Rift™ will attempt to set Guinness World Records® title for virtual marriages
Sydney, Australia – Jan 27, 2012 – Been thinking about popping the question in real life, but you aren’t quite ready? Why not start with a virtual marriage? Online game developer and publisher, Trion Worlds is giving you a chance to virtually marry that special someone this Valentine’s Day, and in doing so you can be part of a new world record. Trion has announced that it will attempt to make videogame history this Valentine’s Day by establishing the world record for most virtual marriages in a 24 hour period. Trion’s wildly successful massively multiplayer online game (MMOG), Rift™ –’s Game of the Year 2011 and’s Best MMO Game 2011 – will serve as the venue for the record attempt, which will begin at 9am PST on February 14.
“MMOs are the most fun when you’re playing with friends and loved ones,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift, and Trion’s CCO. “Whether exploring Telara and adventuring with your significant other, or meeting up with geographically distant friends in a virtual pub, the MMO experience is about bringing people together, and our new weddings and gatherings exemplify this philosophy. We think the Valentine’s Day record attempt is a unique way for players to celebrate Rift’s spirit of camaraderie while making real-world history.”
Just like getting married in real life, tying the knot in the virtual world of Telara couldn’t be easier with the new wedding functionality about to be introduced to the Rift game world in Update 1.7 at the beginning of February. Players simply visit a marriage vendor in their faction’s capital city, purchase a ring, and humbly offer it to the object of their affection. For a classier, more involved affair, players can launch wedding events, incredibly fun scripted ceremonies that involve a walk down the aisle in wedding garb, a ring exchange, and a reception for up to 200 friends.
Marriage in Telara is an equal opportunity venture, with any two consenting player characters able to wed regardless of character race or sex, with the sole restriction being that members of the opposing factions are unable to tie the knot. Any player with a Trion Account is eligible to take part in the event, and a Valentine’s Day-exclusive in-game title (“Tier of Knots”) will be awarded to each wedded character.