50% off all PC digital downloads until end of January
MELBOURNE, VIC – January 23, 2012 – THQ APAC today announced shopTHQ’s Summer Sale. Exclusive to the shopTHQ store, the Summer Sale sees all PC digital download prices slashed by 50%.
Budget conscious gamers can pick up some great value deals including:
Homefront – watch the future unfold for a thoroughly reasonable $29.97
With Darksiders 2 due in Winter 2012 there’s never been a better time to pick up Darksiders for a post-apoclayptic $14.97.
While you’re at it, why not pick up 2010s newest kid on the Eastern Bloc – Metro 2033 for a Ruble-rousing $9.97? It’s essential playing ahead of the sequel, Metro: Last Light.
Possibly the best deal of all, is Saints Row the Third and the Saints Row the Third Season Pack (consisting of 4 DLC drops) for a ghettofabulous $59.95. Super Ethical!
For more glorious deals, check out the direct link here: http://store.thq.com/store/thq/en_AU/list/pc-games/categoryID.39206600
For a more leisurely browse of shopTHQ, hit the homepage, here: http://store.thq.com/store/thq/en_AU/home
These offers expire at 11.59PM, Tuesday 31st January 2012.