Home Gaming Cities XL 2012 Unveils New Images

Cities XL 2012 Unveils New Images

Cities XL 2012 today unveiled a series of 5 exclusive screenshots! This new edition of the famous City Builder for PC, that allows you to build, develop and connect huge cities, enriches itself with several hundred new buildings, all while adding numerous brand new, highly detailed constructible maps!

The 5 screenshots revealed today lead you to discover some of these new buildings, allowing for the creation of truly unique cities. There is a total of nearly 1000 buildings and unique constructions offered in the game, as well as more than 60 constructable maps… all you need to build and shape the cities of your dreams down to the slightest detail!

– Visit the official website of Cities XL

About Cities XL 2012
Cities XL 2012 is the newest version of the popular PC city-building simulation, which allows you to build, develop and then connect huge cities.

Cities XL 2012 allows players to become real urban planners, balancing economic & energy developments of their cities while managing transportation, housing, social services and recreational activities. Content is key to the new game, as Cities XL 2012 offers a staggering number of unique structures with over 1,000 in total.

The 60 huge 3D maps are entirely constructible and sport incredible detail. Cities XL 2012 offers more variety than any other city building-game and, at the request of its fast-growing community, Cities XL 2012 is now open to modding and even features a special guide within the game to get players started. With these new tools, dedicated players can build and share their creations to their hearts’ content!