Wednesday 30 March, 10:00pm – 1:00am – The Nintendo Experience, EB Games Swanston Street Melbourne
25 March 2011
To celebrate the launch of Nintendo 3DS – 3D gaming without the need for special glasses – Nintendo and EB Games invite consumers to get down to the official midnight launch for Nintendo 3DS.
Join in the midnight countdown for one of the most anticipated console launches! Nintendo and EB Games will be putting on food, soft drinks, music and even giving everyone who attends the opportunity to take home their very own Mii souvenir! There will also be a Nintendo 3DS console giveaway on the night!
Staff on the night will be showing customers the inbuilt software features of the Nintendo 3DS including: Mii Maker, Mii Plaza and StreetPass. For those who purchase their Nintendo 3DS on the night and use it in store, you will be able to activate StreetPass and get started by collecting various Mii characters from like minded customers in the store!
So get down to The Nintendo Experience, EB Games, 67 Swanston Street Melbourne.
Nintendo 3DS is available to purchase 31 March 2011. To believe it, you just have to see it.
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