Home Gaming Using 2010 to Predict 2011’s Greatest Threats

Using 2010 to Predict 2011’s Greatest Threats

AVG (AU/NZ) predicts an upsurge of attacks aimed at Facebook and smart phones

Melbourne and Amsterdam, 1 February 2011 — AVG (AU/NZ), the Australian, New Zealand and South Pacific distributor of the award-winning AVG anti-virus and Internet security products, warns that if the past is prologue, 2011 is sure to be another big year for both users and cyber criminals as we continue to battle our way toward a safer and more secure Internet.

Image of cloud networking technologies used under creative commons courtesy of vanhookc

Last year showed that government, industry and security experts worldwide are making a serious attempt to create a unified front against cyber criminals. But we also need to defend ourselves as users and as businesses, and there we still have a long way to go.

More than 2.5 million US households had to replace their computers after they were infected with viruses and spyware last year. Identity theft continues to rise because of how easily cyber thieves can steal it, sell it, and get away with it.

While smart phones are taking over many of the functions of a computer, few users have installed even basic mobile security. Meanwhile in the business world, many organisations are relying more on Web-based technologies but aren’t investing in stronger IT defences.

How will we fare against cyber thieves and cyber thugs in 2011?

Lloyd Borrett, Security Evangelist at AVG (AU/NZ), says “If general carelessness continues to reign unabated, we’re in for another bumpy ride. Hackers are simple creatures, really. They will go where the money is and follow the path of least resistance to get there. If users continue not to take heed, it’s easy to predict 2011’s top five greatest threats:”

#5: The cloud

Another big year for cloud computing translates into a growing opportunity for cyber criminals and hackers. In 2011, cloud computing will be embraced by more businesses and consumers alike. It is inevitable that hackers will turn their attention to data-rich warehouses bursting with information they can steal and profit from. And even if data is secure in how it’s stored, how can we be sure spying eyes aren’t watching as that data is transmitted? The AVG Protective Cloud Technology in AVG’s security products mitigates against the security threats added by the use of cloud computing services.

#4: Applications

As long as bugs are found, as long as users don’t regularly update their apps, and as long as users continue to let rogue Trojan horse applications into their castle, applications will be a big thorn in the side of security. In 2010 we saw a huge increase in the frequency and intensity of Adobe Reader, Flash and various Facebook application attacks. (Lloyd Borrett wrote about this type of attack in 2010.)

#3: Social search

Don’t know what social search is? You’re not alone. Now that Google indexes Twitter and other user-generated content as it occurs, there is no end to the havoc cyber criminals can create with fake and hijacked accounts spewing misleading malicious links that appear in search streams. While AVG’s LinkScanner and Social Networking Protection layers help to protect people from these social search threats, it’s essential that everyone is always on the lookout for them.

#2: Small businesses

While a growing number of cyber criminals are specifically targeting small businesses, 85 percent of small businesses refuse to see the danger at all. This does not bode well for the Internet community at large as small business owners often do not have proper security policies and enforcement measures that can educate workers how to be safe online and not act in a way that puts the company network at risk.

#1: Mobile devices

In 2011, tablet computers and smart phones will become a more important target for cyber criminals. Mobile devices are constantly connected and substantially less protected than a personal computer as users shrug off mobile security solutions and carelessly broadcast financial, account and other personal data such as their exact location while on the go. That’s why it’s important to protect your Android smart phones with security software. If you haven’t already, check out AVG’s Anti Virus for Android.

Borrett says, “While 2011 may be another rough year for the good guys in our fight against cyber crime, I’m heartened that AVG’s 110 million-strong community of users continues to grow. Because with each new user that gets serious about online security, the Web gets a little bit safer and stronger as a whole.

“I believe we can make the Internet a safer place. My advice to you in the meantime? Get smart about Internet security and pass it on.”

To see Lloyd talking about the top five security threats for 2011, view

AVG (AU/NZ) has a comprehensive range of security tips on its web site at For more video tips from AVG (AU/NZ), see