Home Gaming BitDefender survey reveals Internet pornography remains a major e-threat source

BitDefender survey reveals Internet pornography remains a major e-threat source

63% of the users looking for on-line adult content compromised their computers’ security more than once

BUCHAREST, Romania – January 24, 2011 – BitDefender®, an award-winning provider of innovative internet security solutions, today announced the results that show that Internet pornography remains a main source of e-threats.

BitDefender’s study, which exposes data security risks and implications when accessing adult content web sites, confirms that 63% of the users attempting to find adult content on their computers compromised their computers’ security on multiple occasions.

The study consisted of a survey concerning the psychological background of adult on-line content use, and a net-research aiming to identify the ensuing malware and privacy related issues.

More than 72% of the 2,017 respondents interviewed in the study admitted that they had searched for and accessed adult content sites (78% men and 22% women). The study also uncovered that of the most accessed pornographic materials, an impressive 91%, were videos that can be downloaded from different sources including torrents, Web sites and hubs. Real-time adult content sites, such as video-chats and adult dating, ranked second in respondents’ preferences with 72%.

The study went on to reveal that 69% of the interviewed participants declared that they usually access adult content web sites from home, while 25% access them from their work places and only 6% from other locations (Internet cafés, etc.). The main motivations for accessing adult sites were the need to relax (54%) and curiosity (38%).

“This BitDefender survey confirms that users should think twice when accessing these pornographic sites since this is an area that cyber criminals continue to exploit,” states Sabina Datcu, E-Threats Analysis and Communication Specialist and author of the survey. “Over 60 percent of respondents admitted that they have had malware-related issues more than one time as a direct consequence of accessing adult content. In the end, the findings of this study should make users consider whether accessing these sites is worth compromising their systems, data and work.”

More details on this survey can be found at

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