As previously announced, Darkspore is coming to PCs everywhere in Autumn 2011. Until now, the Darkspore team has been bringing you Producer Diaries with deep insights and information on Squad Play, Loot and PvP in the game. Now, we are happy to share with you the very first Hero Reveal in a new Hero Spotlight Series – Zrin, a Plasma Sentinel, one of the more than 25 heroes that gamers will be able to customise and tweak into the perfect Darkspore warrior!
In the video, Zrin’s attacks are detailed – “Sun Fist,” a melee attack that damages enemies with both the power of fire and lightning, “Pain Hounds,” a special ability that gives Zrin helpers who come in handy in battle, and “Meteor Strike”, which rains down disruptive and destructive comets on the competition. Finally, the last special ability Zrin brings is “Plasma Column,” a radial column of fire that deals damage to all surrounding enemies. As Zrin’s “squad ability,” the Plasma Column is an attack that any hero in Zrin’s squad can use.