Take high performance driving to the limit as over 65 vehicles become your tools to take-on the streets and waterways of Hong Kong. Participate in illegal street races where money, girls and status are the high-stakes rewards, taking on your challengers with expert driving and precision-placed ramming, sending any and all rivals into a well-timed

Get your ticket to a World of Invention at Scienceworks!
Tomorrow marks the first day of school holidays and the 50-day mark until world-famous inventors Wallace and Gromit move into Scienceworks, and to celebrate, tickets for the Australian-first exhibition will be available for purchase. Tickets will be available from Saturday 31 March, and can be purchased online from the Scienceworks website http://museumvictoria.com.au/scienceworks/, or alternatively by

PlayStation®3 adds SBS ON DEMAND in Australia
SYDNEY, 30 March 2012 – Sony Computer Entertainment Australia continues to grow the breadth of its on-demand services in Australia with the addition of SBS ON DEMAND streamed catch-up TV service, optimised for viewing via PlayStation®3 (PS3™) available today. SBS ON DEMAND will provide PS3 users free[1] access to Australia’s favourite SBS food programs, sport,

Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter and RaiderZ to Headline Company Effort (Redwood City, CA) March 30, 2012 — Perfect World Entertainment Inc., a wholly owned US subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD) today announced its lineup of games at PAX East, the consumer video game expo taking place between April 6 and April 8,

Popular Sci-fi MMO Releases French and German Versions (Amsterdam, Netherlands) March 29, 2012 — Perfect World (Europe) B.V., the European subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), and Cryptic Studios, Inc., an acclaimed developer of MMO games, along with CBS Consumer Products, have announced today the European launch of the free-to-play, massively multiplayer online

3 Sprockets Release Award-Winning Indie Tower Defence Game Cubemen on iOS, Mac and PC
Get Ready for Crazy Cubemen Action with its’ launch on App Store, Mac App Store and PC digital download services. March 29th, 2012 – Melbourne, Australia – 3 Sprockets, an indie development micro studio, today announced that its award-winning, fast paced, action packed original 3D Tower Defence game Cubemen is now available through the App

The Max Payne Multiplayer Experience, a hand’s on look by Impulse Gamer (+ New Screenshots)
Melbourne Australia, 30 March 2012. Thanks to the team at Rockstar Sydney, Impulse Gamer was given a sneak peek and play of the multiplayer experience of Max Payne 3. Even though it wasn’t the final XBox 360 build of the code, there was enough content and information to play and test the multiplayer mechanics. However

Check out Episode 7 of Impulse Gamer Net TV Starring Edwin Millheim & Tara Babcock
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