

Published on May 1st, 2017 | by Admin

Zombae Cosplayer Interview (2017)

We catch-up with Zombae for another interview about… well, you guessed it… COSPLAY!

Welcome back to Impulse Gamer Shantel!

Thanks for having me back!

Aliens come down and give you the chance to turn into one of your cosplays, which would it be and why?

I would probably want to turn into Sombra because I’d have crazy hacking skills and look bad ass.

What game are you currently playing?

Currently playing Nier automata. Just waiting for Destiny 2 lol.

Which games are you most looking forward to this year?

Besides destiny coming out I haven’t really seen much for what is coming out this year. I’d like left for dead 3 to hurry up though.

When things hit the fan, what’s your ‘go to’ word?

My go to word lol besides every swear word I can think of. I think at that point I just walk away slowly no words needed let everyone else deal with the problem.

Tell us about your Genji Cosplay?

My Genji cosplay was originally thought up with some friends when we all wanted to do really dumb characters from Overwatch. It was never meant to be serious.

What did you most like about playing Genji?

Playing Genji in the game or cosplaying? Well in game I hate him. I actually just can’t lol. Cosplaying him was fun cause I could just be ridiculous and bounce everywhere.

What’s been your favourite cosplay of 2017?

My favourite so far had to be Sombra. It’s been the biggest costume project I’ve done this year SO FAR. (;

Can you tell us some character you hope to be cosplaying this year?

I have a very long list but what I can tell you is look forward to some more queens blade Cosplay’s from me ????

Lastly, what comics are you currently reading?

Haven’t read a comic in years haha BUT last manga I read was love in hell and it was super fun to read. Already want to cosplay the main girl xD


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