Star Wars Knights of the Republic 2: The Sith
Star Wars Knights
of the Old Republic was an amazing RPG title on the XBox that was
released in 2004 and featured some of the best storytelling to date. Not
only did it establish itself as one of the most definitive role-playing
games on the XBox but it was one of the most accurate and official Star
Wars games of date. Fortunately when you are onto something good, it's
only fitting that a sequel is made and this is where Star Wars: Knights
of the Republic 2: The Sith Lords comes into play that roughly takes off
two years after the first game.
The storyline of
the Sith Lords involves a whole new cast of characters (and some
returning from the original), each with their own back story there is a
lot of dialogue. All dialogue is spoken by voice actors and makes each
conversation more realistic; however the realism also extends to
listening to a lot of dialogue throughout the game. What was good about
the first game were the options available to the player during
conversation where your questioning and responses had a direct effect on
individuals. Well these make a welcome return as players can opt to be
nice (light) or nasty (dark). Players can also digress from the main
story and like many other RPG's, partake in a wide variety of activities
such as Pazak (a card game similar to blackjack), Swoop bike racing (a
time based racing event) and a wide number of side quests that are not
necessarily tied to the main story. Simply put, there are a lot of
things to do across the 7 main locations that you will travel to and
with a wide variety of alien and human characters you will often become
side tracked at every turn as you either help or be nasty to people.
The Sith Lords is a
story intensive RPG where players get to choose a character skin and
then distribute points and various abilities to their character, whilst
following the game’s meandering story line. There are a lot more powers
and abilities to add to your character this time and with the wide
number of classes available during the course of the game, which will
make those hungry for stats very happy indeed. For those of you who wish
to ignore this aspect of the game and focus on getting through the story
will be able to do a quick level up or character create, thus taking the
headache out of levelling and such.
In my opinion it is
worth learning to create/level up your character yourself as this gives
the player a lot more scope and flexibility with their character and
let’s face it, its not that hard to understand either, as everything is
explained well enough in the game’s menus. Once you have chosen a name
and created your character then the game begins. The first port of call
is a tutorial and preliminary mission involving a droid (T3-M4) from the
first game. This section is a great introduction to many of the game’s
features and whilst remaining simple in story terms is a worthy intro
all the same and will help those new to the series greatly. For those of
you who are more experienced the option to skip this section is on
offer, although fans of T3-M4 will probably want to play this section
The battle system of the Sith Lords is extremely reminiscent of the
previous title where players do not have direct control over their
characters swing of swords but players can move their character freely
at any time. Just like any other RPG players take turns to attack each
other, however due to the animations and freedom of movement feels very
much like real time battles. During combat players must choose what type
of attack they are to perform, and depending on what skills you have
chosen will be available from a non intrusive attack menu. Again unlike
traditional turn based role-playing games, this system is on the fly,
which means players must be able to keep up with the on screen action at
all times. Yes, you can simply leave your characters to fend for
themselves as they will continuously attack without your input, however
this means that you will probably lose as there are so many options
available to player during the course of battle. Things like
replenishing health, laying mines, tossing grenades, performing power
attacks, switching weapons and of course using those force powers you
gain throughout the story. For characters in your party you can set
their AI to various types which for the more intense battles is much
The force powers have had a rewrite as there seem to be a lot more to
choose from this time round and as with the original, the powers are
affiliated to light, dark and universal. Meaning those with a dark
affinity will be able to use certain dark powers more effectively than
those who are neutral or light and vice versa. Overall there are enough
offensive and defensive powers here to keep most players entertained for
some time especially as it would be impossible to gain maximum powers
for every one available during the course of one play through. Either
way the force powers are very cool and once you start getting a few of
these under your belt makes battling far more engaging as you perform
combos on unsuspecting foes.
Graphically, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is
a rather impressive looking game that contains some of the nicest
looking gaming environments to hit the XBox in a long time. Best of all,
all the environments in the game have at traditional Star Wars look and
feel to them that really helps you immerse into this universe. All the
characters can a fair amount of detail and look extremely realistic,
especially when they are interacting with the gaming environments. There
is also a plethora of lighting and special effects in the game and one
cannot help but smile when you first use your lightsabre. The only
problem with the graphics is that sometimes the frame rate chugs every
now but unfortunately it rarely effects the gameplay too much.
The musical score of the game is very much Star Wars and although
obtrusive at times during some dialogue, it remains of the highest
standard. With orchestral pieces throughout, the game’s musical score is
solid and relevant to the on screen action at all times. The sound in
the Sith Lords is of a very high quality and as mentioned earlier
features a whole host of voice acting across the board. Each character
has a voice including some of the more obscure creatures in the game.
The voice acting is a big part of the game, and such is performed very
well indeed. My vote has to go to the person who voiced the character
Kreia, as she delivers a smooth and highly convincing performance
throughout. Other sound effects such as light sabres and blaster fire
all sound authentic as I’m sure they have been lifted direct from the
movies. If not then they do a great job and make those battles extra
sweet. Who can tire of the sound of light sabres being drawn?
In conclusion, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
is a brilliant game that I would recommend to all Star Wars fans, new
and old alike. With some of the best RPG to hit the XBox in a long time
and a very enriching storyline, this game is truly one title that will
have you playing it time and time again. Highly recommended and may the
force be with you... always!