Serious Sam II
Holy Guacamole, Sam
is back and bigger than ever in this proper second adventure of
everyone’s favourite Croatian hero. Mental is back again and Sam this
time needs to collection the pieces of an ancient medallion in order to
defeat him. The question that most punters would be asking is does this
game beat the first edition of Serious Sam? Having just completed the
entire game (in Normal mode) I can answer that it doesn’t. Does that
make it a bad game? Hell No!
For those not in
the know, Sam is one of the most fun shooters to hit the market. In an
age where a lot of titles take themselves seriously (no pun intended),
Sam is pure fun and very simple to play. You run around and you tie your
finger to the trigger away you go!
One of the first
things that I have to say that comes to mind is that you will face a LOT
more enemies in this version of the game. The Serious 2 engine is
capable of showing a hell of a lot more on the screen at the same time
in far greater detail than the game that went before it.
There are a bevy of
weapons that are new to this game and a number of ones that are new to
the game like on of my faves which is a parrot bomb! That’s right, it’s
a bird with a bomb that can more or less be directed at your target.
They are a lot of fun however you will find that they are really too
slow to be used on anything but even slower moving targets.
The level design
for the game is beautiful with lush, massive environments to fight your
way through. The cool action music is back as well with the tempo
increasing when the bad guys are around. Something that I noticed with
this game is that when there are too many enemies right on top of you,
the frame rate drops entirely. This surprises me considering that there
was not a great deal of this occurring in the first one.
This game tends to
annoy though despite how much fun it is. On normal setting you fight a
lot of characters and you will do it again and again and again. It’s
just crazy and with many levels I had to repeat a scene over and over
again as you only have checkpoints and cannot save whenever you like.
Finally the finale
is a letdown with a very very weak ending considering the amount of
people that you are fighting against. I won’t wreck it but I will tell
you that I was really pissed at the end when I saw the finish. It would
have to be the worst I have come across and I am really annoyed at
Croteam for doing something so weak after completing the game. I so
want to tell you this but won’t. All I can say is enjoy the game but
don’t count on the big pay off at the end.
Go on and get it
though, its fun for the whole family (not really! But certainly fun for
fans of light hearted FPS).