Goldeneye: Rogue Agent
I really liked the
approach of this game, especially since the Bond franchise is up for
grabs with actor Pierce Brosnan leaving the fray as James Bond. Instead
of taking the role of the hero, this time we get to play the part of the
bad guy. It's been done before, however there is something pretty slick
about the antihero, at least about his artificial eye that has a number
of powers about it that can be recharged if not used over a period of
time, like Master Chief's energy shield in Halo.
The premise of the
game is that you get to play the bad guy however that is a feeling that
is never really fulfilled. At the end of the day you end up feeling a
bit ordinary however as the game falls back into the mindset of first
person shooters where you ultimately identify with the character that
you are playing and even good guy soldiers end up being the bad guys as
they are shooting at you. It's a bit of a mixed bag with some of the
missions being of an "evil" type role, however for the most part they
fall into pretty safe territory.
It's during the actual
gameplay that you get to do certain things that would certainly mix and
match with your good evil self. Some of the more dastardly moves that
can be carried out is the ability to get your stunned foe and whip them
around in front of you as a human shield. When you have finished with
them, just dump them or drop them out of a window to their death. Vats
of chemicals can later have poor saps dumped in them for amusing effect
as you continue your merry way through the game.
The title moves
smoothly and the levels look good with attention to detail certainly
there in terms of looks. For smooth gameplay some of them are a bit
lacking but for the most part certainly playable. The bevy of weapons
that Rogue Agent can utilise are great and all the effects that follow
are pretty cool too. A real good point is that Rogue Agent's pistol
never runs out of ammo and whilst it's one of the lamest tools in the
arsenal, it certainly comes in handy when you are down and out in a
I think that part of
the problem with this title is that they've used the title of Goldeneye
which of course is like bringing a moth to a flame with any Bond fan
worth their salt after a sensational game of the same name was released
onto the Nintendo 64 all those years ago and defined the genre. This
title is a good bit of fun but really isn't a true successor to it's
namesake. The online element is fast and furious and the AI of the
title, whilst pretty good, is nothing on the frantic behaviour of human
opponents online.
Audio on the title is
good with adequate sound effects to accentuate the actual gameplay
experience. There is a great music score however it doesn't have the
flow that the other games have had in other games in the series. It's a
touch jerky and choppy with no ready flow from scene to scene.
Explosions, in game effects and other sounds are nice and rewarding and
a great part of the overall gameplay experience.
All up this is a
pretty neat game with a lot of solid fun to be had. It's not the best
game in the series but it's not the worst either. I had a heap of fun
playing it and am sure that other gamers will as well. If you are
unsure, this game is a very solid rent. For those wanting to get the
most out of it, this is a safe buy when the price comes down a bit.