Pariah is set in the distance future where
earth has been transformed into a giant prison planet and disease and
mutation has everyone in a panic. Fortunately for the universe of
Pariahs, gamers play Dr. Jack Mason, a court marshalled medic who works
for the Transgenic Control Commission. Unfortunately Jack has a problem
with authority and his once excellent career is in tatters as he now
does routine prisoner/patient milk-runs for the numerous military
controlled prisons around our solar system. As the @!#$ hits the fan on
this prison planet, Dr. Jack Mason decides it's time to not only stick
it to the man but also save a world in the process.
The gameplay of Pariahs uses the traditional console first person
shooter controls that has been developed along strict shooter lines that
are simple and easy to use. The control method is highly customisable
and it takes only a few minutes to get to grips with the gameplay and
those wanting a quick blast should find that they�re satisfied when the
action kicks off.
Pariah also gives the gamer the chance to drive vehicles, depending on
the level, you'll either be driving or operating the guns. There�s the
Dart which is a kind of single one man hover bike armed with dual
mounted pulse cannons. The Wasp which is a single man, 3 wheeled trike
with a mounted gatling gun or the Bogie, a two man ATV armed with front
mounted machine guns and a rocket launcher. Pariah also features some
great AI that performs a variety of realistic manoeuvres such as cover,
team tactics, forming small packs to take you down and a plethora of
other intelligently scripted actions.
Graphically Pariah looks extraordinary on the XBox, although not in the
ranks of Halo 2, the special effects, particle systems and other
eye-candy features are suitably effective and really helps immerse the
gamer into the Pariah universe. With that said, the character models are
highly detailed and there is also a variety of great cinematics to help
progress the game along nicely.
Pariah features a beautifully orchestrated atmospheric soundtrack that
lends itself to the pure science fiction theme of this title and also
changes when the action heats up. The sound effects in the game as well
as the voice acting have been professionally done and sometimes makes
you feel like you're on a Hollywood blockbuster movie with the Star wars
sounding sounds and awesome voice acting from the actors.
Pariah also features some great multiplayer action (Both cooperative,
local and via LIVE), a M.A.P. editor and also access to downloadable
content that is sure to make this game stay inside your XBox for quite
some time. Great replayability!
In conclusion, Pariah is an extremely solid game that features a rather
clich�d but interesting storyline, great graphics, sound and music and
some of the best damn gameplay to be released this year. Check it out!