Outlaw Tennis
White Trash tennis is
here on the Xbox for all you and your trailer lovin’ buddies to sit
back, grab a beer and enjoy!
For those of you who are not familiar
with the Outlaw series, it’s a cheeky look at conventional, possibly
boring sports, chuck some rednecks, babes, beer and attitude into the
mix and then see how she drives
One of the things that makes the Outlaw series stand
out in my books is that they can actually be played as serious versions
of the games that they represent. It’s that sort of attention to detail
that really makes the Outlaw games some of the best in their respective
fields in my books.
Sporting an effective games physics engine, Outlaw
Tennis truly brings it on in terms of having fun, action and a fantastic
time. Doing research on this title I found that Hypnotix has been bought
by Electronic Arts now and folded into it’s gargantuan embrace. So does
that spell the end of the Outlaw series. I’m not sure and I guess that
for the purpose of this review it doesn’t matter.
Tennis takes it’s bad self online with some
scathingly fun game modes to enjoy whilst you are laying the smack down
over voice communications, even fighting is included in order to get
powerups to totally dominate the competition. Think of any way to make
this game more fun and it’s included in this title.
Graphics are gorgeous in the game and the audio is
clear. The voice work is pretty cool and is full of ‘tude and sass. Some
complain of a bit of repetition but I loved the whole shebang.
The game takes place on a number of environments that
have to be seen to be believed. Quite possibly my favourite would be the
match that you can have on the flight carrier surrounded by jets and
cheering sailors! Now that’s Outlaw!