Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf
This game is cool
beans! Carrying on from the last title, you are the mechwarrior but this
time you have ever so much more control and there is a real feeling of
story and being out there in the field and in charge of your mech. There
are new classes of mech in the title too and you have the very cool
ability to jack a mech and then pilot it as your own. There is also the
battle armour that is yours to wear through the game when you are not in
the mechs. Your battle armour is sensational and the feeling of doing
battle in it certainly ups your chances of actually taking on a mech,
man o mano. Or should I say Mano o Machino :)
One thing that fans of the first game will notice is that this one is
quite short by comparison though at the same time, the fact that you can
get out of a mech that is nearly trashed and into another makes a heck
of a lot of difference. The downside to this ability to roam is simply
that when you get into a mech you have to ditch the battle armour so you
can get it. Your mech takes too many hits, you bail and all of a sudden
you are this little piece of meat running around these massive machines
that still want to take you out.
One of the favourite things that I enjoyed in this game (other than the
whole game) was being in the battle armour and using the grapple claw
and jump jet to get up the side of buildings. It's really cool fun and a
great innovation for the game. Another was the ability to get into tanks
and other vehicles that will clear the path for the big boys to make
their way through. Tanks in this title are almost quiet vehicles
compared to the mechs and you will even be able to sneak up on the
bigger machines when you are in them and take them out.
I would say that the game is going to take you about 12 hours if you
have not played the first title and it takes you a little while to get
the hang of the controls. It took me roughly 9 hours to make my way
through MechAssault 2 and I loved every moment of it.
Graphically this title is everything that you would hope for as well
with some fantastic visuals to be seen during the game. The main thing I
loved was just how menacing the mechs themselves were when you were on
foot. Simply looking up at this advanced killing machine sent shivers
down my spine! Brrrr!!!!
For those of you who are multiplayer junkies, this game kicks the butt
of its predecessor with some insane online action. There are about 10
games that you can take part in in multiplayer mode and even though it
is old skool, I still found capture the flag to be my favourite. There
is such a great teamplay element to this game if you go about it
properly. I also found the online community for this title to be really
cool which is saying something when you come across some of the freaks
playing some of the other titles online.
Finally to round out this review of the title is the audio. Some might
find that the heavy music is off-putting however for me, it was very
cool. Ambient in game sounds really brought you into the gameworld and
served to fully help up the reality level of the title. Machine and
weaponry sounds suited perfectly with the items that were meant to be
making the noise and all things said and done everything came together
very impressively. MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf is highly recommended and I
know that everyone who likes this type of title is going to be highly
Pros: Almost Everything
Cons: Too Short