Halo 2: Multiplayer Map Pack
For those of you
out there that love the multiplayer hoozi whatsit, the Halo 2 pack is
the pack for you. Some punters are scratching their heads about the
release of this pack as you can actually get the maps for free if you
are an XBox Live subscriber. You are, aren’t you?
Well for those of
you who like fraggin live people, this is the one for you. Nine glorious
levels filled with things to kill. Well as long as there is someone
somewhere playing against you! The game supports 2-4 people on a single
machine and up to 16 on a system link.
The levels are
simply lovely and I found that they do enhance the already great
experience that gamers have come to know and love from Halo. My
favourites are the more Earth bound levels as I found that in Halo 2,
Bungie did such a good job with those environments and it gives the feel
of a urban combat scenario.
For the people who
did open their wallet you do get a small amount of extras on this disc,
somewhat like a DVD movies “Extras” section telling you a bit about the
making of the game and what not.
This release
contains important code updates that will improve the game for those of
you not on live. The disc is worth purchasing as long as you are very
aware of what you are getting.
Recommended. Go Get