Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
The face of war has changed. Enemy lines
blur, and there is no longer a clear opponent. New enemies and new
threats require a new type of warfare - a new type of soldier. Enter the
gaming technology: Ghost Recon® 3 is built from the ground up for
next-generation consoles, taking full advantage of powerful
technology with amazing textures, lighting and particle effects,
multi-windowing and state-of-the-art physics. Old generations will
be built using top technology that pushes those systems to their
Become the soldier
of the future: Gain access to the future of military technology.
Using a fully integrated combat system with cutting-edge weapons and
revolutionary communication systems (see below), gamers will embody
the soldier of the future. Based on actual U.S. Army research, the
Ghosts give gamers a realistic view of how war will be fought in the
next decade.
feature: Use the revolutionary Cross-Com, a communication device
powered by satellite technology. Attached to the soldier’s monocle,
the Cross-Com provides full situational awareness and command of the
battlefield. Command the Ghost squad and remote allied forces and
drones, and direct artillery and air strikes. See what the squad
sees and receive visual and auditory intel from allied forces and
unmanned drones.
Stunning urban
environment: One city, multiple locations. Ghost Recon® 3 takes
place entirely in Mexico City, one of the world’s largest cities. A
stunning, meticulously detailed universe will provide complete
immersion in the urban war of the future
multiplayer experience: Ghost Recon® 3returns to deliver
industry-leading multiplayer and cooperative gameplay for one of the
hottest online franchises with a host of exciting new features.
First of all for those that have never heard of the Ghost recon series
let me do some introductions and then explain the latest mission details
for this latest and maybe the best so far. First off, as
the name implies, the player takes command of a group of elite soldiers
who are called The Ghosts. This team of soldiers get all the tough jobs
and they insert deep within any area of conflict, even though the name
implies mostly recon there is more than a few gun battles to be had.

In this latest game, Ghost recon Advanced Warfighter (Or GRAW), there
is some major conflict brewing and soon comes to a head in Mexico D.F. (Districto
Federal). The Ghost Recon team is ordered in with a joint operations
team designed to capture some Mexican military officials who happen to
be selling technology to some rebels in Columbia. Here is where things
hit the fan as they say. The US President and the Canadian Prime
Minister and the Mexican President are all in the Metropolis the sign an
This is a policy that is designed to control illegal
immigration and the movement of drugs and terrorists in this hemisphere.
Right in the middle of this very public signing the leaders are attacked
by Mexican soldiers. The Ghost recon team is scrambled and ordered to
meet with Secret Service agents that are protecting the U.S President in
order to secure his safety and get him extracted. With the Mexican
leader in enemy hands as well it is up to the Ghosts team to get in
there and kick some butt in a loud precise military manner.

This time around what's
really cool about all of this is of course the weapons, but this time
around other than calling in a mortar strike like other Ghost recon
titles. there are support assets in certain missions, these include
Helicopters, fighting vehicles, and a recon drone that comes in real
One of the things about this game that really gets the player deep into
the experience of the game is the Cross Com system. A rather interesting
command communications system. In the game it's a communication device
powered by satellite technology. The system is attached to the soldier's
monocle, using the system gives a player in command of this awesome team
a situational awareness that is priceless in battle.
Using this system
effectively the player will is able to make better command choices both
in movement and in full blown battles. Using the system the Ghost team
can also control and communicate with other remote allied forces, drones
and air strikes. This comes in real handy when you want to have your own
armour clear out an area or an attack chopper take out some pesky enemy
The game does an impressive job of making the player feel as if the
world is in deed his to walk around in. right up until the point of
going too far off from the mission area. If that happens the heads up
display gets a bit of static feed back and you get to hear some one call
up over the communications that you're leaving the mission zone. Never a
good idea, so keep on to your task. Even with this in place it still
feels like a huge open world. In several maps there are chances to come
in from a different angle and flank the enemy. Or even get an elevation
advantage which is what I used in one of the earlier missions. Gave me a
thrill and I can't wait for more.
The command system is the basic fare. Move forwards (Advance), regroup,
cover fire. Hold fire, weapons free. But there is enough there to make
one feel as if they are commanding troops in a battle zone. There is
plenty of action to go around, but the pace is not as fast as some other
shooters like Call of Duty or Medal of Honour series of games. In this
game one shot can kill the player's character so use of cover, and
peeking and firing from cover is a must in GRAW.
Graphically, the XBox version of GRAW is rather impressed and although
not as detailed as the XBox 360, it still gives the console a run for
its money and XBox owners should be pleased with the end results.
Everything has been professionally implemented into the game, whether
its the sprawling cities or high detailed characters, one can be
forgiven if they let their imagination sore and believe that they are
part of the game.
As with the graphics,
the developers have done a marvelous job at implementing the sound
effects and the ambient sound of gun
fire cracking in the distance and a person yelling or even a baby crying
some place in a building all lend itself to give a feeling of eeriness
as you and your team make there way through the deserted streets. Music is well done and seems to lend itself well to most of the
action and transitional scenes. The only odd music is the rock sounding
music that comes up during some of the helicopter rides, but this is not
really too annoying at all. It just feels a tiny bit off since the rest
of the game is so solid.
In conclusion, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is a very adept first
person shooter that relies strongly on realistic squad based mechanics.
Recommended to anyone who loved the Tom Clancy's series of squad based
games. Great stuff!
Edwin Millheim |