Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
here we are at the console end of this game having reviewed the title on
PC recently and hoping that there would be something better to talk
about here. I’m sorry but simply put there isn’t. I find this simply
irksome and very annoying. You would think after the amount of time it
takes to make a game and the energy behind it that they would say, look
sure the movie is coming out but if WE wait one more month for testing
it will be perfect. They didn’t.
Man, I
didn’t know what to make of this game!!! You can tell it’s been aimed at
the younger audience, however it is quite badly put together and a
fairly ordinary attempt at a cash in on the movie soon to be released.
are a series of mini games that whilst brightly coloured and lit, play
pretty poorly and are cumbersome to control. The characters in the game
are very exaggerated and I actually found them all pretty creepy.
game takes you through the factory owned by the eccentric Willy Wonka
with the player taking the part of innocent little Charlie. As the
naughty children fall prey to the various enticements that are located
around the place, Charlie has to get jiggy wit’ it and try to stop the
damage to the kids being a little too permanent.
games are pretty wacky and there is not enough time to get a good idea
of the instructions until the game is already underway. It’s hard to
figure out what to do in most games and when the “intuitive” moves don’t
work you find that you are well and truly stuffed!
Graphically this game suffers and the lack of ability to jack up the
resolution also makes for some shocking gameplay. I ultimately found
that this had a lot to be desired over the long run. Lines are jaggy and
the characters look as though they fell straight out the 1990’s
the only thing that is in the favour of this title is that they’ve made
it for extremely low end systems so everyone gets to experience this
little… ahem.. treasure.
Younger gamers might be a bit more out of this but I think that they
will eventually get just as annoyed as us adults giving the game a
crack. I would have to say give this one a miss but if you are going to
push ahead anyways, then make sure that you are renting first! It’s a
low down effort to milk a movie with low end games that enthusiasts will
pay up for any way.