Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Holy crap this is one
scary game! Dark and spooky, you take the role of Jack Walters, a
private eye who is going insane after seeing things that mere mortal men
should not. Based on the works of HP Lovecraft, CoC takes us into the
bowels of the underworld with an experience that will truly have you
shaking in your boots.
One of the primary feelings that I have in this game
is apprehensive dread that grew throughout the course of the title. And
that is no exaggeration either, the whole way through you just get more
and more uneasy and when you have moments that Jack is about to lose his
sanity, it is a total freakout.
The graphics are dirty, gritty almost and set the
unease of how I felt about the game and the innovations that are in it
are fantastic. There is something I have to tell you though, you are
going to spend a great deal of the game scared out of your wits, with no
way to fight back so it’s up to you to run, run ,run before you lose
your mind.
Damage is body part specific so you can sustain
injury to a leg or arm and be affected accordingly. Jack suffers from
some of the most shocking hallucinations that I have ever seen in a
video game. It is truly the stuff that nightmares are made of and as
your characters stumbles around in a blind panic, you the gamer will
find yourself dragged into a world of evil, alien technology, violence
and bloodlust.
The title is a perfect homage to Lovecraft and the
world of Call of Cthulhu is a dark and sometimes desperate one. I can
say that it had me on edge more than any other game I’ve played for a
long time and as such is a adventure not for the weak of heart. It may
not show up on many radars due to the lack of a good push from
distributors and even publisher Take2 did not make much mention of it,
so make sure you try it out.
There is about 20 hours of game, more
if you are lame :)
Highly recommended folks, so get off your butt and to
the gameshop!