Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the
latest World War II first person shooter by developers Gearbox Studios
that once again returns gamers into this turbulent era of the mid-20th
century after their hit game of Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30.
Gamers are transformed into the Joe Hartsock, a sergeant of the American
army who will soon become a hero for the deeds he is about to achieve.
As with the previous title, the game is a mixture of squad based
mechanics meets first person shooter that not only has the gamer in the
firing line but also controlling his troops.
The gameplay of Earned in Blood has been vastly improved from its
predecessor, Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 as gamers are now
immersed in some of the most chaotic and unpredicted battles in any
first person shooter. Rather than just running into battle like Arnold
Schwarzenegger, the player must now use a variety of tactics through
squad based mechanics to ensure their victory. The artificial
intelligence of the game is extremely realistic, thanks to some
professional scripting by Gearbox Studios that actually make some levels
quite challenging.
Earned in Blood also features a variety of different gameplay options
but most gamers will be solely purchasing this title for the 13
solo-missions that once again sets gamers in war torn Normandy. The
control system of the game is extremely intuitive on the XBox and most
gamers will have no problem in mastering the system in a few turns of
this game.
For those gamers that want to be dropped
straight into the action, they will be pleased to know that Earned in
Blood features a great new skirmish mode with a plethora of different
options such as timed assault, defence and an objective mode. The only
downside to the online content of this title is that the games are
limited to four players with gamers given the option of either being the
Americans of Germans. Hopefully the next installment will offer more
Graphically, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is a visual masterpiece
on the XBox that features some beautifully crafted background
environments that actually make you feel that you are in some European
town during World War II. Apart from the realistic locales and
background, the developers have also included authentic vehicles and
uniforms of both the Allies and Axis, so when you see that giant panzer
tank rushing towards you, you really get the sense of impending doom.
Unfortunately Earned in Blood features some rather annoying slowdown
issues because of the high detailed graphics and audio quality but
fortunately this rarely hampers the gameplay.
The audio of the title features all the sounds and grunts that you would
expect to hear during World War II and match that with a very ambient
Hollywood sounding soundtrack and it's almost as if you're starring in
Saving Private Ryan. The voice acting of the title is also top class and
nothing sounds too forced or contrived.
In conclusion, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood looks is a rather adept
first person shooter that successfully brings forth squad based
mechanics with exciting gameplay. An interesting storyline, exceptional
graphics and great audio, this is one game that all fans of the genre
should check out.