
Published on May 25th, 2016 | by Admin

Xbox Reveals June’s ‘Games With Gold’ & Rocket League Now Supports Cross-Network Play

Check out this latest news from XBOX!

The first details June’s ‘Games With Gold’ for Xbox Live Gold subscribers, which includes Ubisoft’s open-world racer ‘The Crew’, the cult-favourite ‘Goat Simulator’, classic platformer ‘Super Meat Boy’, and ‘X-COM Enemy Unknown’.

You can read all the details and timings HERE.

Additionally, the news was also announced that the ever-popular Rocket League will now support cross-network play with the Steam iteration on Windows PC’s, to ensure a larger pool of players than ever can take part in a game of high-octane vehicular soccer!

This makes Rocket League the first title on Xbox One to support the exciting new cross-network feature.

See the full details on the Xbox Wire HERE.


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