Xbox Newsbeat – 28/11/2014
The Force is Strong With Minecraft!
Star Wars skin pack available exclusively on Xbox
As of right now, the Star Wars™ Classic Skin Pack is available for Minecraft only on Xbox One and Xbox 360. Disney, Lucasfilm and Microsoft have teamed up to bring downloadable content packs to Minecraft for Xbox, featuring a collection of 55 skins from Episode IV through Episode VI. Play as your favourite characters from the Galactic Civil War, like the courageous Luke Skywalker, scoundrel Han Solo, or brave and lovable Wicket in this new pack. These may just be the blocks you’re looking for. Priced at $3.95 AUD, the Star Wars Classic Skin Pack includes…
To see the full list of skins, or for any assets you may require, please visit the Xbox Wire.
Xbox Comes Bearing Games With Gold in December
Free games for Xbox Live Gold subscribers announced for Xbox One and Xbox 360
You’ve managed to stay off the naughty list this year, so we’ve got three very different gifts for you this holiday season.
The first is Worms Battlegrounds for Xbox One, an artillery-based game of annelid annihilation, which should handle your multiplayer strategy fix.
On Xbox 360, you get two totally different titles: The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief and SSX.
The first places you in a graphic adventure set in the 1960s, on the trail of a dapper art thief known as the Raven. The second, a modern day reinvention of one of the most critically acclaimed arcade franchises of all-time, allows you to experience the franchise’s signature fun and adrenaline-packed gameplay across iconic mountain ranges all over the world.
As usual, all games are available only for a limited time*, as part of the ongoing Games with Gold program, so find a buddy (or not), and jump in! * Worms Battlegrounds ($33.45 AUD RRP): Available from December 1-31 on Xbox One * The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief ($TBA AUD RRP): Available from December 1-15 on Xbox 360 * SSX ($69.95 AUD RRP): Available from December 16-31 on Xbox 360
To find out more about Worms Battlegrounds, The Raven and SSX, please visit the Xbox Wire.
Sunset Overdrive Spices Up the Awesomepocalypse With Player Voting, Weapons Pack, Soundtrack Release and More
The insanity continues in Sunset City
Today, Insomniac Games and Microsoft opened a Fizzie Blimp-sized can of “heck ya!” on the world with a series of announcements that are sure to fire up Sunset Overdrive fans. Even More Insane Weapons! Sunset Overdrive has a lot of weapons, but anyone who’s encountered a horde of OD will agree that there’s no such thing as too many weapons in a mutant apocalypse. With the first Sunset Overdrive downloadable Weapons Pack, you can beef up your arsenal with four new weapons and obtain more strategic options for creative mayhem and destruction.
The weapons pack is free with the Sunset Overdrive Season Pass, or available for separate purchase for $6.65 (AUD).
Vote Now or Die Hard (then Respawn) Sunset Overdrive is packed with tons of outfits and explosive weapons, but Insomniac wants you to help decide some of the exciting content updates and changes on a regular basis. Every other week, you’ll be able to vote on new outfits and game-changes through a new online Player Voting feature that will help shape the community’s experience.
Get Lost in the Music If you want to inject a little more Sunset Overdrive into your life but don’t think it’s physically possible to zipline on power cables, bounce off the top of cars and rail grind along the edges of buildings – then the Best of Sunset Overdrive Music soundtrack is for you! Releasing today on iTunes, Spotify and other digital distribution platforms, the soundtrack features 18 awesome tracks by such bands as Boats!, Dan Sartain, Bass Drum of Death, Meat Market, Cheap Time, and Brenna Red.
To see the full list of new weapons, or more info about the new Sunset Overdrive happenings, please visit the Xbox Wire.