

Published on January 10th, 2018 | by Andrew Bistak

Wonder Woman #38 Review (Swan’s Song Part 1)

Wonder Woman #38 Review (Swan’s Song Part 1) Andrew Bistak

Summary: James Robinson continues a home-run on his take Wonder Woman!


The swan is back!

After the epic Children of the God’s story, writer James Robinson returns Wonder Woman to something a little more down to Earth with his next arc, Swan’s Song that of course, brings in the Silver Swan. Similar to his other stories, James swaps between the past and the present as we’re reintroduced to one of the DCU’s ‘loser’ villains, Major Disaster that sees Diana take down this villain with brute force while Steve Trevor helps the civilians around this battle. Supporting James in this story is artist Emanuela Lupacchino who like the writer was born to draw this heroine with some truly explosive panels and a perfect Wonder Woman.

Hmm.. Just like I like my bullieshelpless
Wonder Woman

Part of the story is interestingly told from one of the victims of Major Disaster, Vanessa Kapatelis who was told that she could never walk again. Diana also plays the carer here as she supports Vanessa with her recovery who created the persona of the Silver Swan due to her love of ballet. Fate has other ideas for Vanessa and with a new medical procedure thanks to Cyborg, they will inject nanites into her body and with persistence, she does manage to walk, however when her mother dies in a freak accident, this affects this survivor to her very core. With Wonder Woman visiting her less and less, this triggers a darkness within her as the reader is returned to the present.

My name is Vanessa Kapatelis, and I’m no one’s best friend
– Silver Swan

Elsewhere in the world, Diana goes to check on her brother as she arrives right after a booze fueled night with Jason and his ‘friends’ as one thing led to another for our young demigod. To make matters worse, the sanctuary and ‘trust’ of Diana’s home has been broken with Jason vowing to make things right… not to mention cleaning the home, including the puddle left by one of the party goers.  Wonder Woman also questions his brothers decision to be a hero, sternly informing him that this is not how heroes behave. Before this conversation can be finalised, Diana is called to an emergency from Steve Trevor as Jason is left with his thoughts to ponder… and I’m sure this is NOT going to end well.

Err. Oh, I wondered what that smell was
– Jason

As Diana goes to investigate the family she saved the day before which also caused a catalyst for Vanessa, Wonder Woman discovers a bloody murder scene at the Darling family as the issue ends with the Silver Swan standing near the victims dripping in blood. Okay, I’m really enjoying James Robinson’s run on Wonder Woman who not only pays homage to the previous stories of this heroine but adds to the mythology. Sure, some of the dialogue is a little cliched at times but for the most part, he really gets into the psyche of this character and her supporting cast.

Final Thoughts?

James Robinson continues a home-run on his take Wonder Woman!


About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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