Wonder Woman #33 Review (Times Past)
Summary: Wonder Woman #33 continues the rise of Darkseid... albeit as a child!
Birth of Darkseid
New Wonder Woman scribe James Robinson gives us a great Times Past story of Grail as she continues her murderous rampage of the old gods in order to feed her father Darkseid so that he can move from teenager to adulthood. Her first victim is Perseus, a once mighty warrior who is easily felled by the daughter of a New God and that of an Amazon. By using a motherbox, the energies of Perseus support Darkseid in his ageing process, albeit with just a few years… more gods are needed.
Before this, Robinson revisits the time where the Justice League defeated Darkseid and as a result, he was reborn as a newling. However as a baby, this once powerful god still has the limited ability of communication as he orders Grail to feed him. This moment is cut short as A.R.G.U.S. operatives attempt to capture Grail, only to be obliterated by both her and baby Darkseid. One by one, Grail continues her hunt for beings of legends in order to steal their life essence such as Callisto and Epaphus. Back in the present, Grail and Darkseid find their next victim, Jason, the brother of Wonder Woman as the issue abruptly ends.
Final Thoughts?
Wonder Woman #33 was another great read by Robinson and even though there are a few cliches and over the top dialogue (e.g. at times he channels Darth Vader as Darkseid), it was still a great insight into both these characters and I for one cannot wait to see how this story pans out… not to mention the anticipated return of Darkseid. Supporting the story is artist Emanuela Lupacchino who creates some very lifelike panels filled with detail and emotion, not to mention a very mean childlike Darkseid. All in all, it’s another impressive issue from the team as we’re given another piece of the puzzle.