This August from Anchor Bay Entertainment, Derek Luke (Captain America), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception), John Leguizamo (Moulin Rouge) and John Turturro (Transformers) star in the epic depiction of World War II, MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA.
Directed by legendary filmmaker Spike Lee (Malcom X) and featuring a sensational cast, MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA tells the story of four soldiers caught behind enemy lines. During their attempt to return to base, they befriend a traumatized young Italian boy and soon find themselves in a remote Tuscan village- with civilians who have never even seen other ethnicities before. Strong relationships soon develop between those who would never have met in ordinary life and who understand help each other against the horror of war.
MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, the gripping, big budget World War II epic focusing on the famous Buffalo Soldiers- the US Army’s all-black infantry division, is available to own or rent on DVD and Blu-ray 15th August.