What happens when the greatest detective meets the DC Universe?
The answer is LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes that stars Batman
and a plethora of awesome DC Comics characters (over 70 to be
precise) such as Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman in this
open world LEGO game plus dastardly villains such as Gorilla Grodd
and even General Zod! The story of LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
is prompted by the Joker and Lex Luthor who threaten Gotham City
to the core and it is up to these heroes to work together in order
to put an end to the danger and save the citizens of this city. It's
a classic LEGO adventure!

With that said, if you played the previous LEGO Batman game then
you're in for a bigger treat with the sequel which features some
classic LEGO DC Super Hero moments that had me grinning from ear to
ear in fanboy glee. What I loved about LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
are the comedic moments in the game, especially the facial features
of these LEGO characters plus the super powers and extremely fun
gameplay that is given to the player.
big change from previous LEGO games, whether LEGO Star Wars
or LEGO Harry Potter is that the series has gone open world
and gone are the linear pathways. The title is reminiscent of
LEGO City Undercover and makes the game more akin to something
like Batman Arkham City as the entire city is now interactive
which not only allows you to get lost in the city but there's plenty
of action to be found apart from the main storyline such as helping
out the good citizens of Gotham City.

Best of all, the developers Traveller's Tales have
successfully implemented the gamepad into the title. Unlike the PS3
or XBOX 360 versions, the gamepad is turned into an interactive pad
which clearly points you in the right direction when you want to
return to the main storyline. The added map definitely makes the
game more accessible. Another element of the Wii U version is that
you can play the game just on the GamePad itself which is ideal if
your annoying family member or loved one wants to use the TV. This
also opens up the game for local multiplayer with one person using
the TV and the other the Gamepad. Given that, the main gameplay of
previous LEGO games is intact such as completing missions, finding
items, working with your partner plus destroying and rebuilding the
world of LEGO. It's almost flawless!
Although combat is at times quite simplistic, especially the "thugs"
in the game, the villains do provide somewhat of a more challenging
endeavour. Even though the game is a button masher on the Wii U,
there's something very satisfying about the experience. I also love
how the developers have incorporated other DC villains into this
Batman title such as Sinestro (Green Lantern's nemesis) or Captain
Boomerang, one of the Flash's rogues gallery members. Batman however
is the central character in this game but playing other DC
Characters such as Superman is a pure treat. Nothing is more
satisfying than flying around Gotham City as Superman and given the
difference between Batman and Superman, each character plays
slightly differently. There even costumes to unlock and vehicles to
drive such as the Batplane... very cool. All in all, the gameplay
works perfectly on the Wii U.

Graphically, the developers Traveller's Tales have successfully
merged LEGO with the DC Universe to create this over the top LEGO
adventure that feels like you are in a DC Comic Book. Characters are
another highlight of the graphics and whether it's Superman, Robin
or Green Lantern, an intergalactic police officer, the mannerisms
and uniforms perfectly compliment their comic book counterparts.
Backgrounds are as equally impressive, especially the LEGO created
Gotham City.
The cutscenes of the game enhance the overall story and the comedy,
especially the great references to the comics themselves. Unlike
previous LEGO games where the characters just made squeaks and
grunts, LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes uses voice actors to portray
the characters and best of all, some of these actors are from the
animated and other game series that include Nolan North, Jennifer
Hale and Clancy Brown. Kudos to the developers again for merging the
music of Danny Elfman (Batman) and John Williams (Superman), thanks
to Rob Westwood who creates this classic superhero soundtrack.

Final Thoughts?
you love the LEGO games in the console world or more recently,
LEGO City Undercover than LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
is a must have game for your Wii U. Not only does it feature more DC
Comic characters than you can poke a LEGO stick at but the gameplay
has been refined for the Nintendo Wii and the inclusion of the
Gamepad creates this really fun experience that should not be
missed. Highly Recommended!