Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play is
probably the best, if not greatest golf game on the Nintendo Wii
that features good graphics, flawless gameplay and good old
fashioned fun which promises fans of the golfing genre the most
realistic experience to date.

Although previous installments of the
series seemed like "ports", this current version has been
specifically redesigned for the Wii console and its capabilities.
Match that with some great multiplayer options and this could almost
be considered the definitive golf gamer ever. Even Tiger Wood's
coach Hank Haney will be around to give you some pointers on how you
are playing as you attempted to go from rookie to seasoned veteran.
The main gameplay of the title is the
career mode which includes a variety of different tournaments that
include the PGA Tour, FedEx Cup and the Tiger Challenge. Once you
start playing these tournaments, you better make sure you have
plenty of time of your hand as it's almost like playing real golf,
although you don't get the walking aspect.

Before starting the game, you first
need to create your golfing avatar that will be your player in the
golfing world and you can modify almost everything on your player
from hair styles to body type and even age. It's great fun
attempting to create your player and I almost got a perfect match to
my real-world safe... minus the golf skills though. Probably the
most noticeable feature to this version of Tiger Woods is the
introduction of the Club Tuner that allows you to weak the settings
of your club and adds to the realism of the title and also the
The gameplay of Tiger Woods on the Wii
is almost perfect and the developers have really catered for the
unique control system of the console as you swing the controller
like a real club to hit your ball. Needless to say if you have
played Wii Sports Golf, this is miles superior and works quite well.
For those novice players, the game also supports an easier control
system that is more lenient towards your hits, so the game is
definitely aimed at a variety of different levels which is great.
The game also contains a plethora of interesting and fun mini-games
from Mini-Putts to Capture the Flag and my favourite, Battle Golf
that add a unique twist to the franchise and world of console golf.
You can even play these games with three other people (four in
total) for some great golf party games that is great fun and will
hopefully move people away from Wii Sports.

Where the title does shine is through
its online mode that allows you play against three gamers online for
some awesome virtual golfing. The best part of the online mode is
that you don't have to wait for the next player to hit as you can
all play at once. The speed of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play is
also quite sturdy online with little to no slowdowns experienced at
all. There's also a variety of lobbies to join and a great online
world rank leader board to see where you rank in the world of
competitive online golfing... brilliant!
Graphically, although not as impressive as the PlayStation 3 or XBox
360 Tiger Wood's golf games, the Wii version has received a well
needed face over with realistic textures, impressive lighting
effects and some great golfing environments. Even though the
graphics may not be par with the high end consoles, the gameplay far
beats these two traditional consoles. It's about time that the Wii
won one over its competitors and it's successfully succeeded in this
In conclusion, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play is a must have
golfing game for the Wii with almost perfect gameplay, good graphics
and great sporting fun that has not been seen on this console
before. Go out and buy this game now! Tons of gameplay modes,
tournaments, courses... it's perfect!