Unbeknown to some, the TV series Ready, Steady, Cook is not just an
Australian phenomena, however is a popular cooking series around the
globe, hence the reason the series has been turned into a fun game.
Targeting casual gamers, Ready, Steady, Cook: The Game beams up
players onto this game show as they must create some extraordinary
meals in a set amount of time. Like the TV show, gamers must also
choose their kitchen which indicative of their symbol, Green for a
pepper or Red for a tomato.
Once you have selected your kitchen, you
need to select your Chef and similar to the TV series, the five
chefs each have their own cooking style which include Mediterranean,
Continental, Indian, Asian and Mexican. Once again reminiscent of
the TV show, gamers must then choose their grocery bag with two
choices, budget or classic and from their, gamers must use the
revolutionary control of the Nintendo Wii to cook up some fun and
tasty meals.

Thankfully, the game is not just limited to one dish or another,
however Ready, Steady, Cook: The Game becomes more difficult as you
progress and even gives you access to other ingredients from the
Bistro to Gourmet.
The game boasts 60 recipes for budding game contestants to master and through the guidance of your chef, you
must prepare the ingredients, bake or cook the food and perform a
variety of other virtual kitchen tasks with the clock ticking away
in the background.
Apart from the single-player game, Ready, Steady,
Cook: The Game also offers an interesting two-player mode that
allows the gamer to compete against their friends and family with
the winner being judged by the audience like the TV show. However,
one change has been made to the format, the audience judges the
winner on how many tasks the gamer completed and how difficult the
recipe was.
The control system of the game is rather flawless as you chop, dice,
bake and perform a plethora of other kitchen based activities. To
assist in immersing you into this popular TV series, the graphics
are quite reminiscent of the TV show from the way the kitchen is set
out to the colours of both kitchens. Although the game won't win any
awards for spectacular graphics, the title features those classic
Nintendo Wii graphics, colourful and a little Spartan. Add the music
and a variety of sound effects from the kitchen and casual gamers
can immerse themselves thoroughly in the game.

At the end of the day, Ready, Steady, Cook: The Game is an
interesting attempt at recreating a kitchen game and I must admit
that we have seen some shockers in our time. Thankfully, Ready,
Steady, Cook: The Game is around the middle of the list, however
it's simplistic gameplay and cooking theme may run stale with a few
gamers. Of course, with that said, the game was not designed for those
hardcore gamers, rather it's been targeted at the casual gamer and
if they enjoyed the TV show, then they may enjoy this incarnation as