Product Description: As a
promising new chef on the island of Port Abello, players of Order
Up! get to build their own culinary legacy and restaurant empire
from the ground up. Rising from humble beginnings as a grill cook in
a fast food restaurant, the player comes to grips with dozens of
different ingredients and many different cuisines, from classic
American Diner food, to Mexican and Italian dishes. During this
journey, players will deal with the headaches and hazards of running
a working restaurant kitchen, picky patrons, quirky assistant chefs,
food critics and health inspectors. Order Up! is a deep, fast paced
game, full of personality, which promises to push the cooking genre
to its limits.
I love the Nintendo Wii but good games are generally hard to find.
Although third party games for the system are generally a miss more
than a hit, every now and then, one of these third party
games makes it through and Order Up! is one of those games.
Although Order Up! revolves around cooking, developers Zoo Games have
actually created quite an engaging title that features a variety of
mini-games with a healthy dose of humour to keep you glued to the
screen. Chef Ramsey… it’s time to move over!

Before you become a culinary master or wish to apply
for the next Iron Chef, you origins in Order Up! are quite humble
where you begin in a fast food restaurant which also teaches you the
ropes of the game. Your teacher unfortunately doesn’t care and as
you fry burgers and get food ready, you soon yearn for greater
The comedy aspect of the title is great, whether it’s
the annoying customers or the elements such as the “Chef Black
Market” where you buy secret recipes all adds to the fun of the
Once you have purchased all the relevant recipes for your
level (whether legally or otherwise), you need to wait until the
local food critics gives you the thumbs up before you can proceed to
the next restaurant which includes Mexican, Italian and Haute.
Where the title does shine is through the gameplay
which is perfect on the Wii as you use the controllers to control
all facets of cooking. Whether your using the controller as a knife
or taking out fries from the fryer, the control system is perfect
and you really immerses you into this game.
Before you start criticising that the game is quite easy, as you progress, things get
more complicated in the kitchen as you are doing a variety of things
and this is where things get tricky, because you need to watch what
you are cooking.
Interesting enough, all the meal ingredients handle
differently which results in varied and interesting gameplay. You
also need to add spices and the like to make those meals more

Your dream in Order Up! is to create a five star
restaurant and in order to achieve this, you need to ensure that
your food is up to scratch as you are rated on your meals. Match
that with the ticket system of orders and if you fall behind, your
customers will get shirty and there goes your dream.
As you
progress, you eventually get the chance to hire assistants who can
assist you in the kitchen, although they only have one area of
expertise and when you have a few working for you, you need to
ensure that you give them the correct jobs.
Graphically the title is impressive on the Nintendo
Wii with a cartoon element to the world of Order Up! There are a
variety of interesting special effects to assist with the cooking
and match that with realistic cooking sounds and Order Up! is a
nicely rounded game.

In conclusion, Order Up! is an interesting game that
uses the unique control system of the Wii perfectly. Initially the
game is quite fun which does get a tad more difficult as you
progress. Some of the mini-games are a little boring but in general,
Order Up! has enough flare to keep you interested from start to
finish. Definitely original and unique!