The Ninjabread Man has arrived on the WII and when Candy Land is
under attack, it's up to our hero to challenge the evil sugar forces
and prevent his land from being overrun by Cup Cakes, Angry Bees and
Jelly monsters. With story in hand, game in WII and nunchucks on the
ready, it was time to test this 2D beast that I was hoping would be
a fun version of Super Paper Mario but unfortunately something went

With a cool and clichéd story and a whacky character, Ninjabread Man
was cut in half by flawed gameplay that made this PS2 port into
something that was extremely difficult to play and enjoy. Dubbed as
a fighter, Ninjabread basically allows the gamer to fight a variety
of enemies with the nunchuck and wiiremote as you thrown shurikens
and slash your way through a plethora of candy inspired monsters.
This is where Ninjabread Man unfortunately fails and was extremely
difficult to master, if it could be mastered at all. Shaking the
wiiremote crazily and swinging the nunchucks like a crazed Ninja, the
Wii's motion sensing abilities seemed to have failed me. Was it the
machine or the game? Fortunately we tested the Ninjabread on another
console and we had the same lagged gameplay. Although the title does
contain a tutorial level, it wasn't enough to make a fully pledged
Ninja and the AI swarmed over me, even with my deadly weapons.

Graphically, Ninjabread Man is not a
bad game on the WII with cartoon like graphics created in glorious
2D. Match that with a variety of colorful background environments
and well animated sugar monsters and Ninjabread Man looks like a
decent game. The music in Ninjabread Man, even though a little
repetitive suits the genre perfectly as do the over the top sound
effects and for some strange reason, certain tunes stay in your
The premise was there, even the graphics but unfortunately
Ninjabread Man has gone moldy and is a very difficult game to play
due to the flawed gaming system. Hopefully next time, Ninjabread Man
can be tested a bit better before being unleashed on the
unsuspecting gaming market. It's a shame because this franchise
could of worked wonders.