Wii Music is an interesting game from Nintendo that has had mixed
reviews, however depending on the target audience of the title is
either quite innovative or frustrating.
The premise behind Wii music is to use the innovative control system
of the Nintendo Wii to play a variety of music as you jam with other
players or compete in a variety of games as you make your own unique
interpretations of the pre-existing music.
The range of musical instruments that you play is quite diverse
which range from instruments such as the piano, guitar, drums and
even stranger ones such as the gong or my favourite, the saxophone.

order to begin Wii Music, you need to finish the tedious tutorial
which teaches you the basics of the game that has a classic
Nintendo-type character with their chipmunk voice. You play the
instruments by holding them as you would a real-word instrument that
uses the remote and the nunchuck. In order to play the piano you use
mimic playing the piano by pushing down the remote and nunchuck like
you are playing the piano.
play guitar, you hold the nunchuck as you would the instrument's
neck and strum the air with the remote. Whereas with the drums, you
raise the controllers up then bring them down to play the drums,
however the faster you do it, the more sound you will make.
mentioned before my personal favourite is the saxophone which you
put the Wii remote to your mouth and push the buttons to play the
notes. In its essence, the game is basically a rhythm game which
will display the notes on the screen in order for you to select the
corresponding notes.

Its simplicity is the magic which allows anyone to play the title,
however for the more mature gamer, the title will become a tad
repetitive, however for younger gamers, the gameplay could virtually
become endless as they jam with either friends or the AI and make a
variety of musical tunes which can be saved for music videos and
even CD covers.
The main problem with the music is that the game rewards you no
matter how you play which means some of the music can sound
extremely bad, however if you do follow the notes to be played, it's
actually quite humbling in a MIDI music type way.
pushing different buttons as you mimic the real-world instruments,
they will allow you to create your own interpretations that can be
quite boppy or sound quite bad so it's a mixture of skill and
practice. The title also contains a variety of genres from
electronic, country and even jazz.
Where the game does excel for the more mature gamer is playing
cooperatively or competitively against friends. You can jam with up
to four players, each playing a different instrument as you rock to
a variety of classic songs. Games such as Maestro allows you to
conduct an orchestra, whereas other games such as Hand Bell Harmony
allows you to shake bells to the notes that appear on the screen
which are in the shape of bells. Quite fun!

Musically, the title is quite lacking for a music game as the tunes
are all MIDI and sound like those old classic electronic pianos like
the Casio. The tunes included in the game are also quite old that
features music such as O'Christmas Tree, Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Star and Daydream Believer. Where the game does excel is through
Nintendo classic tracks such as Super Mario Bros, Animal Crossing
and F-Zero. Unfortunately the title does not contain any modern
tunes from bands of today which is a shame.
At the end of the day Wii Music is an interesting title, however it
fails to achieve the heights of games such as Rock Band 2 or Guitar
Hero World 2, however for the younger gamers, the title does deliver
in terms of replayability and some musical freedom. Just be warned
though, parents may want to leave the room when their children start
letting out their musical muse.