Although I just missed out on the G.I. Joe toy franchise by HASBRO
when I was growing up (I was a little too old by then), I was still a fan of the cartoon
series and when I heard that a live action movie was planned for
these cool characters, I was over the moon.
Even better, there was
also a game scheduled for release about the same time of the movie
and hopefully like The Transformers, viewers could be drawn into
this action-packed world of good versus evil plus a healthy dose of
weapons and futuristic gadgets.

Unfortunately the movie was a hit and miss affair with an overly
complicated plot and special effects that ranged from impressive to
abysmal, however remaining neutral, we still decided to give the a
game a fair airing. Story wise, it's based on the movie that is
basically the Joe's versus Cobra in some over the top missions. Bad
guys threaten the world, good guys come to the rescue, the stock
standard story of Greek Gods.
At its core, G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra is a third-person shooter,
however the developers have added some RPG aspects for the player to
tweak and aim for. The cool aspect of the game is that the player
has two characters (or Joe's) to control and fortunately swapping
between them is quite easy and best of all, each have their pros and
In terms of RPG, your characters are given experience points
which are called battle points in the game and this can be used to
purchase new characters and unlockable content in the game such as concept
art and equipment.

Like the movie, gamers can play either Scarlett or Duke (at the
start), however as
you progress, you have more Joe's at your disposal. The control
system works well on the Wii and each of your characters has a
primary and secondary attack.
The combat is actually a glimmer of
hope for this game that is extremely over the top and mirrors the
movie perfectly. The weapons work quite well and some of the Joe's
really kick some serious butt with the amount of firepower at their
disposal. Interesting enough, the game is quite sturdy, however it
unfortunately suffers from the "movie curse" and at the end of the
day, the game feels rushed and un-inspirational.
Where the game feels rushed is through the gaming interface that
does become exasperating as the game decides what is the best
camera view for the player. The AI in the game, especially by your
team mates is also like they are blind to the action around them,
however the enemy always know who to target. Needlessly, it's a hit
and miss affair from good to poor, more so on the other end of the

When it comes to graphics, the game is a mixed bag of eye candy
versus Spartan which is a shame because the developers could have
really gone all the way in this game to create some truly impressive
gaming moments, especially from the outrageous abilities and
equipment by the Joes.
Unfortunately for such a high profile game,
it's very substandard when looked at as a hole. In relation to the
soundtrack, it suits the game perfectly as do the clichéd voice
actors who really get into their characters.
In conclusion, the average gamer will get a few hours of fun out of
this game, however for longevity and playability, this is where it
starts to dwindle. It's definitely be created for the fans of the
series, however for someone wanting a truly memorable and fun gaming
experience, this is not the game.