Batman the Brave and the Bold
The Videogame
It's hard not to be
biased when your a comic geek but hell... this is BATMAN
we're talking about here. He doesn't need the sun to power his
superpowers for superhuman strength nor need to be bitten by a
radioactive spider to jump ... no, this guy has been trained by some of
the world's greatest fighters and used his inheritance to create a
variety of cool gadgets all in the name of making the streets a safer
place from criminals.
The catalyst for Bruce
Wayne was on the night his parents were murdered which led him to be
inspired by a bat in order to don the personality of the Batman. It
should also be known that Bruce Wayne or Batman has had a variety of
incarnations of this character from comics, movies and video games that
would make some scholars scratch their head in confusion. However unlike
the Dark Knight from Batman Arkham Asylum, this video game
features a Batman from a lighter era that is reminiscent of Adam West's
tenure as the caped crusader, yes my dear readers... this game is based
on the coolest Batman cartoon on TV... Batman the Brave and the Bold
from Warner Bros.
However, before I get into the crux of this review, this game is
targeted towards the younger gamer. If you're looking for a challenging
arcade game than I suggest you look elsewhere because this title is
rather easy and forgiving towards the player. But with that said, if you
enjoyed the cartoon series, than you'll have a blast playing this title
as it's oozing with Batman the Brave and the Bold references from
the stories and humour.

This game is
seriously funny and contains some great one-liners from not just the
heroes but also the villains and in terms of the story, it's like
watching one of the episodes, more particularly four episodes. Listening
to Robin chastise Batman about his "relationship" with Catwoman is a
hoot or listening to Guy Gardener's endless comments about his
"personal" greatness is all classic Brave and the Bold storytelling.
As a game, the title is a side scrolling arcade beat 'em up which allows
up to 2-players to engage in the world of Batman villains. Apart from
controlling Batman or Robin, gamers have access to a wide gamut of comic
book heroes such as Blue Beetle, Black Canary, Green Arrow and even Guy
Gardener, a Green Lantern. These are just some of the characters who
grace this game and there are also other cameos as well.
As you progress through
the game, additional heroes are unlocked and best of all, each plays
quite differently which does open the game up for additional gaming
sessions. The control system of the game works well on the Nintendo Wii
and although some will see this as a button smasher as you punch, throw
and kick your way to victory, there are puzzles and some interesting
challenges on the way. At times, you will need to use the motion
controls of the Wii like use the Batarang to knock things over which is
done by pointing the Wiimote at the screen or by shaking the Wiimote and
Nunchuck together to release your special attack.

Thankfully this does not
impede with the overall gameplay. Other elements include navigating the
gaming world that requires jumping or using special gadgets to reach "unjumpable"
areas in the game. The characters also have a cool power-up which allows
you defeat quite a few enemies in your proximity when used and should
you be defeated, you will reappear immediately with only a small loss of
points. Another cool aspect of the game is that you can call for help
and another hero will come to your rescue.
If you're playing the
game solo, the AI does a good job at controlling your "side kick" and
unlike other titles, they actually do work for their money. Enemies are
sometimes repetitive, however as the game is divided into four episodes,
they will change with who the main villain is of that episode. Boss
battles are fun as are the cinemas littered throughout the game to help
progress the story. For lovers of equipment and unlockable content, the
game has quite a few things to collect such as Jetpacks and upgrades
which can be done between levels.
For graphics, this game is perfect. The game is a mirror image of the
current cartoon series and the attention to detail is rather impressive.
The characters are well animated and interact well with the environments
and there's some fun cutscenes along the way which make this one of the
better looking Wii games available. Just like the graphics, the
soundtrack is taken directly from the cartoon series as are the voices
of the characters which almost makes it appear like you are starring in
your own episode of the Brave and the Bold. Both the visuals and audio
of this game are perfect!

In conclusion, Batman
the Brave and the Bold the Videogame is a slick arcade beat 'em up
that pays homage well to the cartoon series and is a fun game to play
from start to finish. As an older gamer, it would have been nice if
there was an option for some harder gameplay but compared to the
lacklustre titles that are currently available for the Nintendo Wii at
the moment, this game is leaps and bounds above its competitors. With
flawless gameplay, a great 2-player co-mode and endless Brave and the
Bold references, this is a fun game and is ideal for those who love the
series or looking for something a little different in the world of
gaming. |