is a really strange game and I mean that in a good way. Even though
it may not be a grade A title from Nintendo, developers
Hundson have created something different and unique in this
puzzle-platform game with a touch of action. The twist of the game
is that your character can only jump across the shadows of objects
which does create an interesting premise and out of the box
solutions to solve your current predicament.
story of A Shadow's Tale revolves around the shadow of a young boy
who must scale the gigantic tower that dominates this world.
Thankfully our shadow is not alone and he has a winged sylph called
Spangle. The Spangle or Angel allows you to warp physical materials
in the game. The key to the game is "light" and as you progress, so
does the sun and ultimately night. If there is too much light, your
character will be destroyed because as we all know, in bright light,
shadows really exist.
main soul of the game however is a platformer with a variety of
puzzles and challenges thrown into the game. Apart from jumping and
exploring and fighting, you need to find and collect three mystical
glyphs that are littered through the gaming environment. Once found,
you can them move onto the next level.
is another key element to the game and in hindsight, the game has
this real Prince of Persia mixed with Echochrome feel to it and I
mean the original Prince of Persia game. As you do progress in the
game, you are awarded “experience” which in essence allows you to
level up your character which does assist in making the combat
aspect of the game easier.
control, especially for a third-party game works well the intuitive
controllers of the Wii and everything feels just right. Although you
can play the game like a normal platformer, you do need to interact
with objects and puzzles on the screen with your Wiimote which is
were the “Wii” comes into the game.
good thing about these onscreen puzzles is that it helps breaks
things up from exploring and combat. Interestingly enough, the
onscreen control actually allows you to change some of the gaming
environments in order to assist you with enemies as opposed to hack
and slash or an onslaught of arrows. This is probably the most
original game that I have played since Ico. Great controls, a well
thought out gaming universe and more importantly, a character you
care about.
Graphically, the title is a very Esher type experience which is not
a bad thing. The stylised graphics and minimalistic approach works
well and the shadow effects are a treat. There is some interesting
game design, especially with the puzzles and at times it can be
quite a surreal psychedelic experience. The soundtrack is ambient
and the sound effects compliment the gameplay. It’s a nice looking
title but nothing too flash.
Thoughts? In the end, A Shadow’s Tale is a game of many challenges
and if you’re after something different than your stock standard
MARIO game, than this is the title for you. It may prove difficult
at the start but once you get the hang of things, A Shadow’s Tale is
definitely one of the more interesting releases this year for the
Nintendo Wii. More importantly, it's a very enjoyable and memorable
journey through this world of shadow people.