This Week At Bungie we revealed the new weekly rituals for Age of Triumph
In case you were unable to view Bungie’s second livestream celebrating Destiny’s Age of Triumph event, we’ve summarised the key points below.
This time senior designers Tim Williams and Joe Sifferman delved into “Rituals and Strikes”.
Too-Long-Won’t-Watch Mission Brief
- Age of Triumph begins with a Quest held by the Speaker
- The Director will feature a new set of Weekly Featured Activities
- Daybreak Strikes include the Mayhem modifier from the Crucible
- Earn three Eververse boxes each week through gameplay
- We’ve brought the Nightfall buff back!
For more details, watch an archive of the livestream here –
There is a final stream to watch before this new age begins. Later this week, we’re looking at armour and weapons. We’ll talk about how they’ll look and how they’ll work.
Age of Triumph begins March 28th.
To read more about the news, check out the full announcement by heading over to