This Week At Bungie – An interview with Matt Segur, Engineering Lead on Destiny 2, on Destiny 2’s networking model
A week after the exciting and amped-up Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere in LA, Guardians across the world showed their enthusiasm and passion for the latest reveal and features of Destiny 2.
Many of you have asked important questions about how Destiny 2’s networking model will work.
The technology used to bring players together in the world of the game touches on many crucial topics. We know that you’re curious about everything from how your shots land to the protective measures we’ll take to keep the community ecosystem safe.
Many are concerned by our announcement last week that Destiny 2 doesn’t have dedicated servers. While that’s useful shorthand, the full answer is more complex because Destiny has a unique networking model.
We sat down with Matt Segur, Engineering Lead on Destiny 2, to get some answers for you.
Read the full interview on