
Published on June 23rd, 2017 | by Admin

This Week at Bungie- Destiny 2 Memorialisation Emblems and Console Exclusives

This week at Bungie…

Before Cayde revealed that all your loot would soon fall pretty to the Red Legion, we advised that we were going to honour our veteran players who join us again in Destiny 2. Today, Bungie has revealed the seven Destiny 1 gameplay accomplishments that will be carried over into Destiny 2 as seen through the emblems. It’s noted that emblems will still be visible in orbit while you’re forming your Fireteam – see below a list of selection of emblems that will feature in Destiny 2, and the things you’ll need to accomplish in order to add them to your collection.

Destiny 2 Memorialisation Emblems:

Laurel Triumphant

You completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.

Laurea Prima II

You completed all 10 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.

Slayer of Oryx

You owned The Taken King and completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.

Heard the Call

You owned The Taken King and completed all 8 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.

Young Wolf

You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 2 in the Age of Triumph record book.

Saladin’s Pride

You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 7 in the Age of Triumph record book.

Lore Scholar

Your achieved a Grimoire score of over 5,000 in Destiny 1.

Console Exclusives

The weapons, armor, and playable activities that have been available only on PlayStation will transfer to the Xbox in October, 2017. Exclusive content from The Taken King will migrate to all four launch platforms, including legacy consoles – including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. Exclusive content from Rise of Iron will only migrate to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We’ll follow up with a more exact date before it arrives. 

Game Play Transitions

Destiny 2 is rapidly approaching, meaning our two competitive end game experiences will be going into hibernation before reemerging in unexpected ways in Destiny 2!

If you fancy yourself forged in the fires of the Crucible, you’ll want to mark these dates:

  • August 1, 2017: Final Destiny 1-era Iron Banner
  • August 11, 2017: Final Destiny 1-era Trials of Osiris

Movie of the Week

Don’t forget to check out their movie of the week, Destiny 2 Trailer Rap (Cabal Diss Track) below;

For more information, head on over to

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