Walking Dead Blood Globe Review
Summary: The Walking Dead Blood Globe is pure kitsch!
Blood & kitsch!
This cool little product distributed New South Books celebrates the gore of AMC’s The Talking Dead which follows police officer Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his band of survivors as they attempt to survive this zombie apocalypse. However in this dangerous and bloody word, it’s often the surviving humans who are far worse than the undead and this ‘blood globe’ is a snapshot of this world that features a scene of walkers looking quite menacing at you through the globe.
Once shaken, the clear water turns red in colour which really pays homage to the this very popular TV series with Season 7 being released this month as well. In terms of production values and given the price, it’s quite a sturdy piece and does look kind of cool in this kitsch way. To accompany the Walking Dead Blood Globe with its fake blood, it also comes with a 32-page mini-book showcasing three characters (Rick, Glenn and Morgan) and some of their quotes from the series.
For example, the first page has a picture of Rick with a quote ‘Do you have any idea who you are talking to?’ to another quote from Morgan ‘All life is precious and that idea changed me. It brought me back and it keeps me living‘ to my favourite quote from Glenn ‘Good luck dumbass’. So if you’re looking for a small collectible from the series that makes the perfect paper weight and when you need a bit of blood, just give it a shake. The only slight letdown of this product is that from the images it looks like circular but in reality, it’s more oblong in shape. Nonetheless, another one for the collector!
The Walking Dead Blood Globe Product Details
Mixed media product | Sep 2016 | Running Press Miniature Editions | 9780762460700 | 32pp | 77x64mm | Stocked item | GEN | AUD$16.99, NZD$19.99