Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
With almost the same graphics as its big brother console counterparts
and same sturdy gameplay, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has made the leap
to portable gaming. More specifically the PS Vita as THQ successfully
launches the franchise on this brand new console. At its core, Ultimate
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is still a faux 2D fighter that brings together two
popular franchises, that of Marvel Comics and the colourful characters
of the Capcom gaming universe. Best of all, this is not some dumbed down
portable game but rather a fully fledged console experience that even
supports online matches and upcoming DLC content.

Control... you must learn control! The control system of Ultimate
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been transferred well to the PS Vita, although
it still can't compare to a PS3 or 360 controllers. It's close but is a
little a crowded, especially when you're trying to pull off those
elaborate manoeuvres. The game does allow you to use the touch screen to
pull off some of the more difficult manurers but this option can be
disabled for the hardcore players.
Needless to say, all the controls have been well mapped on the PS Vita,
whether it's the thumbstick or the face buttons and does feel like a
fighting game which is the most important part of this game. The only
forced control system of the game is the inclusion of touch-screen
support which requires you to swipe in different direction to perform
your attacks. Note to developers... just because the console supports an
innovative control system, doesn't mean that it will make the game
anyway better. Fortunately as a fighter, it's definitely in the quite
exceptable basket.

There are a total of 48 characters available to the player that include
greats such as Spider-man, Frank (Capcom), Captain America or Captain
Commando (Capcom. Even though I loathed Ghost Rider on
the PS3 version, I actually enjoyed his long ranged attacks on the PS
Vita version which allowed me to knock down my enemy’s health until I
could get up close and personal. Apart from fighting in the traditional
solo sense, the game does support a variety of gaming modes, including
online plus 8 new stages and 12 new characters.Unfortunately we only had a few
attempts at online due to the lack of available players. However when we
did play online, the game was relatively smooth, although we did suffer
from some lag.
The PS Vita version even supports spectator mode and replays. Replays
can even be saved to your PS Vita for bragging rights. With that said,
playing the game is easy, however mastering the various controls can
prove a challenge to some, due to the amount of differences between the
characters and fighting styles. The mission mode will assist in teaching
you the basics of the game and of course, the menu system will display
the PS Vita moves for your character in order to assist you mimic their
attacks. This ensures that if you're a newbie or a veteran, you should
have no problems in mastering the controls.

Another new feature of the PS Vita version is the Heroes and Heralds
mode which replaced the Shadow Mode from the original console games. In
essence Heroes and Heralds requires you to collect cards and assign them
to your three-person team which adds additional unlockable content such
as new abilities to your characters. With so many cards available,
Heroes and Heralds will keep you busy for quite some time, due to its
addictive nature.
Graphically, this looks like a mirror of the PS3 version of the game
with its flash graphics, well designed characters some very cool special
effects. The animation is smooth for the most part but every now and
then, some frame-rate issues occur when the screen becomes a little too
crowded or the hypercombos come into the picture. Sound effects and
music work also enhance the overall gameplay.

Final Level
In the end, if you're looking for a fighting game for your brand new
console, than Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is quite an engaging game
that offers a considerable amount of replay value. With 48 different
fighters and a very sturdy gaming engine, this fighting game is almost
flawless on the PS Vita, except for the occasional odd graphical hiccup
or lag via online play. If you already own this game on the PS3 or 360,
there's probably no real reason to buy it again as it's almost a mirror
image... unless of course you're a fan of the franchise. Personally I
would recommend this title to those users who have never played the game
before and like on the PS3 or 360, it's easily one of the best fighters
available. |